Over the years, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has funded a variety of research projects on acupuncture, including studies on the mechanisms by which acupuncture may produce its effects, as well as clinical trials and other studies. There is also a considerable body of international literature on the risks and benefits of acupuncture, and the World Health Organization lists a variety of medical conditions that may benefit from the use of acupuncture or moxibustion. Such applications include prevention and treatment of nausea and vomiting; treatment of pain and addictions to alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs; treatment of pulmonary problems such as asthma and bronchitis; and rehabilitation from neurological damage such as that caused by stroke. The degeneration of the body is accelerated when one's inner true SELF becomes so identified and associated with the physical body-brain that it (the true spiritual self) forgets that it is a universal being and becomes dependent on the physical body-brain and senses for information. This contraction of the universal SELF (Soul, Holy Spirit, The Inner You) from the universal state of mind to the limited psychological personality state of be-ing causes the body (Gross Energy) to be cut off and distorts its natural alignment to the etheric and astral dimensions (Subtle Energy). In ancient text this subtle supporting energy was called MANNA, or the Bread of Heaven; PRANA, from Hinduism; ETHER from the Greek; and CHI from Taoism. True acupuncture is not the research and study of energy "IN" the body, but is the research and study of energy "AS" the physical human body. Energy The Subtle Essence of All Creation Vital energy or chi, as the ancient developed ones in the Integral Way referred to it, is formless, elusive and without tangible qualities, yet it is the subtle breath of life which permeates and vivifies the entire universe. We live in an environment of energy which envelopes and permeates us. Just as a fish is unmindful of the fact that it lives in water, we too are unaware of the vast, inexhaustible sea of energy which supports our lives. Chi gives birth to life; it is the generative force of the whole universe. The natural environment functions as the cosmic womb in which all manifestations of the universe are conceived and brought forth. Everything that exists in the universe is a manifestation or projection of that energy, in grosser or finer states, higher or lower frequencies of vibration. In order to gain mastery over our lives, it is necessary to have a basic understanding of the nature of energy and cosmic principles of energy manifestation which influence us. The principles which govern the energy formations and activities of the universe as a whole are the same principles which apply to any single part of the universe. From the smallest cell or atomic particle described in biology or physics, to the events of human history, even to the movement of the galaxies through space, all existence is regulated by the same cosmic principles. This includes all things regardless of their degree of completeness or incompleteness, or whether they die or exist eternally. Thus, by understanding the cycles of energy movement and evolution which occur both internally and externally, we gain insight into the very nature of the entire universe. By the same token, through studying the nature of the external universe, we gain insight into our own true nature. By familiarizing ourselves with the laws of nature, we may reconnect with our own true nature and thereby attract and evoke the response of positive universal energy. Ancient sages described the movement and cyclic phases of energy evolution through the polar combination of yin and yang and the wu-hsing. The yin/yang system provides a basis for the analysis of all phenomena into complementary groups. The wu-hsing, which is frequently referred to as the five element system or the five forces is a schema used to describe cyclic processes into five temporally and qualitively distinct parts.
The Yellow Emperor's Internal Book is the collection of ancient life knowledge in relationship to nature. It contains two parts: Su Wen, the first part, describes the natural foundation of life. Ling Shu, the second part, discusses knowledge specific to acupuncture. Su Wen, as the foundation, covers a broader scope. 2.4www.guardiantext.org Previous |