Truth is no "theory" no speculative system of "philosophy," no intellectual "insight." Truth is exact correspondence with reality, (the living reality, God). For man is unshakable knowledge of his "real nature." Not in the form of memory or thought but in actual experience moment to moment, i.e., the Self, the soul. Jesus by every act and word of His life, proved that he knew "the truth" of his being - his source in God (and as God.) For, he who has seen me (recognizes me ) has seen the Father also. -John14-9Wholly identified with the omnipresent Christ consciousness, he could say with simple finality: "Everyone that is of the truth heareth my voice." -John 18-37Buddha, too refused to shed light on the metaphysical ultimates. Dryly pointing out that man's few moments on earth are best employed in perfecting the moral nature. The Chinese mystic Lao Tzu rightly taught: He who knows tells it not; he who tells knows it not." The "final mysteries" of God are not "open to discussion."(For the final mystery is beyond words. And must be "experienced" for it can not be taught, but only pointed or guided to.) The decipherment of "His" secret code is an "art" that man cannot communicate to man: Here the Lord alone is the teacher. (The Christ within). For call no man your teacher for one is your teacher. The "Christ" and you are all brethren. -Jesus, Matt. 23:8-12"Be still and know that I am God." "The Christ is found in immaculate silence." -YoganandaIf any one were to demand of "nature" why it produces, it would answer if it were willing to listen and speak; you should not ask questions. But understand keeping silence as "I" keep silence, for "I" am not in the habit of speaking. -PlotinusSpinoza: "It is not in the least needful for salvation to know Christ "according to the flesh," but concerning that so-call eternal Son of God (de aeternol illo dei filio). That is, God's eternal wisdom, which is manifested in all things. And chiefly in the mind of all mankind, and most particularly in Jesus who expresses the perfect union (in Christ consciousness). The case is far otherwise. For without this. "No man can arrive at a state of blessedness. In as much as nothing else can teach him what is true or false." "Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us. That we should called and he Sons of God." -I John Previous |