Ego-I 47. Ego-I Ego-I

When you realize that any reaction is a form of conditioning and therefore gives continuity to the ego in different ways, what actually takes place? You must be very clear in this matter. Belief, knowledge, discipline, experience, the whole process of achieving a result or an end, ambition, becoming something in this life or in a future life – all these are a process of isolation, a process which brings destruction, misery, wars, from which there is no escape through collective action, however much you may be threatened with concentration camps and all the rest of it. Are you aware of that fact? What is the state of the mind which said, "It is so," "That is my problem," "That is exactly where I am," "I see what knowledge and discipline can, do, what ambition does"? Surely, if you see all that, there is already a different process at work.

We see the ways of the intellect but we do not see the way of love. The way of love is not to be found through the intellect. The intellect, with all its ramifications, with all its desires, ambitions, pursuits, must come to an end of love to come into existence. Don't you know that when you love, you cooperate, you are not thinking of yourself? That is the highest form of intelligence – not when you love as a superior entity or when you are in a good position, which is nothing but fear. When your vested interests are there, there can be no love; there is only the process of exploitation, born of fear. So love can come into being only when the egoic mentality is not there. Therefore you must understand the whole process of the mind, the function of the mind.

It is only when we know how to love each other that there can be cooperation, that there can be intelligent functioning, a coming together over any question. Only then is it possible to find out what God is, what truth is. Now, we are trying to find truth through intellect, through imitation – which is idolatry. Only when you discard completely, through understanding, the whole structure of the ego self, can that which is eternal, timeless, immeasurable, come into being.

End of statement by J.K.

There is a great tendency for the entities to judge according to material standards and to depend mentally upon physical manifestations. These are well, but – with such standards and with such a measuring stick – one may easily deceive "self."

-E. Cayce

From the oracle at Delphi, Greece. KNOW-THY-SELF (as eternal spirit).

For we are "warned" that there is a way that seemeth right to a man but the end thereof is "death" (spiritual death). Death is "separation," lost opportunity – in some sphere of activity in which there is consciousness, either spiritual or material. "Mind" is ever the builder for it is the companion of soul and body, and is the way that is demonstrated and manifested in the Earth in the Christ consciousness of each individual.

-E. Cayce

To be spiritually dead does not mean that you don't believe in God. To be spiritually dead is to be separate from God-self-realization.

"Whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted."

-Matthew 23:12

The "first death" referred to in the Christian Bible is of the ego. The second death refers to the physical body.


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