Enlightenment 49. Enlightenment Enlightenment

7. LOST IN THE ABYSS The abyss of material consciousness, never stable.
8. POSSESSION When the true inner and eternal self becomes ENTANGLED, SUPPRESSED and DOMINATED by the psychological-personality, i.e. the Ego-I of the physical animal body.
9. UNDERWORLD The lesser and false world of the Ego-I condition.
10. HELL The condition of being separated from God, in the state of the psychological ego-I, and assuming to be mortal, forgetting one's divine eternal state. A lesser life, an under life, an unnatural life, in the valley of existence as opposed to the mountain top (spirit).
11. DEAD Spiritually dead, never knowing or even trying to attain (return to) something better.
12. ANTI-CHRIST The adversary of the Christ (not Jesus). The psychological personalty, the ego-I of the body which opposes the soul (the real you) from remaining in it true divine state, the anti-self (ego) not a real person - but a living condition.
13. NARCISSUS The separate one, the self made psychological person-ality. The Greek metaphor for anti-Christ.
14. DIS-EASE The separate state from at-onement, not to be at PEACE or at REST in the spirit of spiritual self-awareness. This unnatural state of existence creates bad Karma which affect the physical body, i.e. disease.
15. FORNICATION Not sexual, the illicit act and/or condition of not being in one's true spiritual, natural state, to DEVIATE from one TRUE spiritual state.
16. NON-BEING (Gnosticism) Not being established in one's true state, i.e. not be-ing one's true spiritual self.
17. THE VALLEY Living in the valley or lower condition than the spiritual condition. The valley of death, i.e. the valley or condition of not being in one's true state, opposed to the spiritual state associated with the mountain or mountain top, rock solid, far above the world etc.
18. EVIL In its true definition evil is the state and its actions, life style which is not in a state of God-self-realization, at-onement. To be unenlightened and lost in confusion is in itself not degrading, but ENJOYING the glory of hatred and violence is truly evil.
19. TWISTED MINDED (Taoism) Not being in one true state, being in the unnatural twisted subjective conceptual mentality of the false self.
20. CONTRACTION A modern term, to separate from the unlimited and UNIVERSAL SELF and to CONTRACT into a small, single, individual separate and unnatural condition, i.e. the Ego-I.
21. DEMIURGE Greek Gnosticism, the creator of the material world and of its traps and suffering, i.e. the limited unnatural ego of mankind trying to build its own heaven or paradise on earth according to its own concepts. The source of what was called false knowledge.
22. DEVIL A fallen spirit (person) who takes pride and glorifies him/her self in the physical or mental abuse of others. The subjective psychological person-ality the Lord and master of its own separate hell.
23. SLEEP (Spiritual) When a soul (real you) forgets the condition of its eternal life, but lives in the dream state of the psychological-person-ality. -Romans 13:11



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