Enlightenment 49. Enlightenment Enlightenment

The THREE levels, stages or phases were stated in Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Zen, the Greek mystic schools, Kabbalah, and others.

Again, in all THREE levels, stages or phases the following insights are received, one is eternal, one is not the physical body, (Male or female), there is no heaven or hell as places, time, space and infinity exist only in creation, but not in the spiritual condition, i.e. God-self-awareness which is prior to creation. Your old self (Your name here) was just a concept which was self created by the body-brain and is not the real and eternal you (Self).


(First Heaven)


Self awareness (The real you, when not associated and not identified with the physical body and brain) suddenly shifts or changes from being the body person-ality to a witness in a place deep inside the center of the head (brain) behind the face and eyes and far below thoughts and concepts which seem to pass or float by far overhead as clouds would do in the sky. One is no longer associated with or attached and controlled by the physical body and brain with its habits, thoughts, and biological impulses (sex drive), but remains centered as the INNER WITNESS and does not need to accomplish or search for anything any longer, one simply RESTS in this state or condition which feels perfectly natural, one can use the physical senses, but is not dependent on them for information on how to live and understand the material realm. One has a sense of universal awareness and is not limited by the physical body-brain any longer, one knows (spiritually intuits) that one will and or cannot die. One knows that one's self is the same as the universal self, which is called God by others. One is prior to space, time and infinity and ever present in the eternal HERE AND NOW, one can shift one's awareness to anything or any event in creation and simply understands it. One knows that heaven and hell are not places but are concepts of the psychological person-ality. In this first level, stage, or phase the person simply continues to meditate which is the practice of what is called the WAY.

The WAY is the universal spiritual understanding and wisdom of the free and eternal soul (the Self) to experience the material plane of existence but not to identify with the physical body-brain (divine animal) and there by eventually forgetting one's true and original natural state as eternal spirit-Self-Awareness.

Note: Meditation is not relaxation, but the method and practice of SHUTTING DOWN the physical body and brain, by self control and effort, so that one's true inner SELF can disassociate from the physical body-brain and remember (revelation) its true and natural prior state as spirit.


(Second Heaven)


The second shift or movement of consciousness (spiritual-self-awareness) to its next location is when SELF awareness (the real you) that was once located in the center of the head (brain) far behind the face and eyes now dissociated and no longer identified with the physical body-brain (divine animal) DROPS DOWN or SHIFTS to the SOLAR PLEXUS area of the physical body and resides there in and as the new center of consciousness, i.e., the core, source, heart (not the blood pumping organ) but also at the same time still is connected to the original center in the center of the head (brain). (In the Zen tradition it is said "That when the apple is ripe it will fall".)



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