Evolution (of Spirit in Mankind) 55. Evolution (of Spirit in Mankind) Evolution (of Spirit in Mankind)

The Western-“world” theatre of merely exoteric “creationist”/ “rationalist” debate has only one fundamental (and entirely public) purpose—to propagandistically and (by every kind of theatricalized mere seeming) egoically “self”-protect and “self”-preserve both of the opponents in their traditionally independent political, social, economic, and cultural spheres of primitivelyexercised public human power.

Monotheistic “creationist-religion” is an exclusively exoteric institutional power-entity, fabricated on the basis of an egoic (or “point-of-view”-bound) interpretation of the conditionally arising universe, and intent upon controlling and managing the human “world” and even the conditionally arising universe itself.

The “sacred power” that monotheistic “creationist-religion” claims it brings (or would extend) into the human “world” is, it says, the “Creator-God” of the universe—whereas, in fact, the power that monotheistic “creationist-religion” actually exercises (or would everywhere exercise) is that of the humanly-governed political, social, economic, cultural, and (altogether) merely exoteric institutionalization of the totality of humankind.

The institutionalizing-power that monotheistic “creationist-religion” exercises (or would everywhere exercise, if allowed to function at will and unimpeded) is of an inherently intolerant nature—because it is “self”-possessed by a reductionist, and “tribalistic”, and exclusively exoteric mentality, that cannot accept any non-“orthodox”, extra-“tribal” (or extra-institutional), non-monotheistic, or (otherwise) esoteric exceptions to its “Rule”. Institutional “scientism”—which is “secular realist-reductionist rationalism”, “self”-organized on the basis of the philosophy of “scientific materialism”—is, like the institutions of monotheistic “creationist-religion”, an exclusively exoteric institutional power-entity, and it is likewise founded on the basis of an egoic (or “point-of-view”-bound) interpretation of the conditionally arising universe.

Like monotheistic “creationist-religion”, institutionalized “scientism” is intent upon controlling and managing humankind (and the total human “world”), and even the conditionally arising universe itself—but on an exclusively secular (or non-sacred, and even anti-sacred, and thoroughly “Godless”) basis.

The everywhere-and-everything-and-everybody-institutionalizing power of institutional “scientism” would (if allowed to function at will and unimpeded) control and manage (and thoroughly institutionalize)—and, altogether, exoterically limit—all of the political, social, economic, and cultural conditions and activities of globally-institutionalized humankind.

The institutionalizing-power that institutional “scientism” exercises (and would exercise absolutely, if so allowed) is, like that of monotheistic “creationist- religion”, of an inherently intolerant nature—because it, like monotheistic “creationist-religion”, is “self”-possessed by a reductionist, and “tribalistic”, and exclusively exoteric mentality, that cannot accept any non-“orthodox”, extra- “tribal” (or extra-institutional), or (otherwise) esoteric exceptions to its “Rule”.

Whereas the principles of institutional and institutionalizing power in the mutually competing (and universally competitive) sepa-rate and exclusive traditions of monotheistic “creationist-religion” are always conformed to the publicly propagandized ideas of “Creator-God”-monotheism and of the “self”-presumed (but only selectively respected) sacredness of the universe and of human life, the principles of institutional and institutionalizing power in the mutually competing (and universally competitive) separate and exclusive domains of institutional “scientism” are always conformed to the publicly propagandized ideas of gross “rationalism”, and of anti-metaphysical materialism, and of the “Godless” and non-sacred (or thoroughly secular and material) nature of the universe and of human life.

One of the key characteristics that particular institutions of monotheistic “creationist-religion” and particular institutions of institutional “scientism” have in common is the persistent will to dominate and assimilate all other institutions and traditions—whether of “religion” (monotheistic or polytheistic or non-theistic), or of “science”, or of politics, or of society, or of economics, or of culture— while otherwise always staunchly and even aggressively refusing to (themselves) be either dominated or assimilated.

The will to assimilate (and thereby dominate), coupled with the willful refusal to be assimilated (and thereby dominated) is an institutional characteristic of all ego-driven human collectives—and this double-edged will-to-power generates a perpetual situation of mutual and aggressive “intramural” competition between and among institutional “religious” traditions themselves, and between and among secular “rationalist” institutions themselves, and between and among “religionists” and “rationalists” as opponents of one another. The perennial aggressive mutual competitiveness between and among institutional “religions” themselves, and between and among institutions of “rationalism” (including both freely-enquiring science and materialism-bound “scientism”) themselves, and between and among institutional “religions” and institutions of “rationalism” as opponents of one another is often displayed in public as said-to-be-“harmless” debates—but, because all such (or merely exoteric) institutions are actually seeking to “Rule the world”, the competitive conflicts between and among institutional “religions” and institutions of “rationalism” are a constant threat to the unity, peaceful order, and practical well-being of humankind as a whole.



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