Jesus or Christ 89. Jesus or Christ Jesus or Christ

Cultural integration and the replacement of old religions by new ones is unavoidable as societies form and reform. New teachers always try to improve their teachings for a new generation of people. Christianity is one such re-editing of Greek philosophy and the virtuous conviction of Socrates with Jesus as the projection of such a combination. All culture is based on the past. For example, Judaism is the re-editing of Egyptian and Babylonian culture. And Islam is the re-editing of Judaism and Christianity. Chinese culture draws upon the "I-Ching," which is derived from the simple inspiration of nature itself. According to scholars, there were several versions of the Hua Hu Ching, the collection of Dun Huang caves in Gansu province dating from 366 C.E. contains Buddhist statutes, frescoes and valuable manuscripts, including the name. "HUA HU CHING" The preface of the "Hua Hu Ching" and a few scattered chapters were also kept in the "Taoist cannon," which was compiled during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1643 C.E.). However, the "HUA HU CHING" may no longer exist in China. Few, if any, complete and accurate copies of it exist today. It is only through the oral transmission of its teachings, generation after generation, by highly developed individuals that Lao Tzu's teachings have been preserved. Until now, the Tao Teh Ching has been the only work by Lao Tzu available to the public. The teachings of Lao Tzu point to and reveal the highest dimension of life that is the original focus and inspiration for all religions. It's highest value, however, is the guidance to abide by the natural subtle law of the universe (as consciousness existence being, in the form of self awareness, prior to and inner witness to the body, mind, thoughts without a psychological ego).

-Hua Ching Ni

Every human creation has made a contribution to the unfolding truth of wholeness. Thus, what has been presented here is not a segmented religious teaching, but the "ageless universal inspiration for all people."

-Hua Ching Ni

Jesus was the first to bring or introduce the "WAY" to the western world. Although the teaching of Jesus has since been RESTRUCTURED by the Christian church in an UNNATURAL way that leads people to become dogmatic and to think that someone must be "special" or chosen before they can posse all the aspects of life's "natural potential."

-Hua Ching Ni

The Related Teachings of Jesus and Lao Tzu

People who have dissolved their rigid mental concepts of self and others will not have any mental obstruction formed by different cultural backgrounds, customs or religious beliefs which would prevent their perception of the truth. Therefore, one ought not to embrace any religious "concept" or any mental structure of any kind formed while living in the physical world. A religion may serve as a ferry boat; however, it is not the final destination. All mental structures must finally be given up if one is to reach the ultimate truth.

-Hua Hu Ching #7

The absolute one has invented nothing to teach. All true guidance is intangible. The absolute way is neither the religious way or the worldly way. All teachings from the ancient sages are derived from the same source of absolute truth. The different expressions are merely the result of different times and places.

-Hua Hu Ching #8

Enter by the narrow "gate" for wide is the gate (paths) and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.


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