Life in the physical world is merely a preparation for birth into the subtle realm. The physical realm is still within the subtle womb of the "mysterious mother." Everything born into the physical world must die. However, if an individual has the opportunity to learn the "immortal way" (same as the "way). He may be "born again" into the absolute wisdom of "ultimate simplicity." A subtle transformation takes place within an individual when he succeeds ion connecting himself with the absolute wisdom of the universe. Gradually through practice of meditation cultivation, the heavy and gross energy which was the foundation of his life begins to diminish. And continued meditation cultivation will bring one into the "immortal realm" of eternal life. - Hua Hu Ching #66Most assuredly I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see (understand) the kingdom of "God." -Jesus, John 3:3That which is born (created) of the flesh (the ego) is of the flesh, and that which is born of the spirit (inner holy spirit) is spirit (truly spiritual). -Jesus, John 3:6For God so loved the world that he gave (created) his only begotten son (the holy spirit within each human, the mirror image or offspring of God) that whoever believes in "Him" (believes in the doctrine of attaining and manifesting, him) should not perish but have everlasting life. -Jesus, John 3:16My venerable teacher, I am now deeply aware that to know a thing or to think "about" a thing is much different from actually aligning oneself with the "reality" of being and doing it. To have a quick mind or a quick tongue is not equal to having real achievement. A person may think he is a good rider, but once he takes the horse's reins in his hand, it takes time and practice in order to do it well. To talk and think about the absolute "way" is merely talking and thinking. Talking and thinking do not go beyond the relative realm. To an absolute being, (an achieved spiritual teacher) thinking and talking are irrelevant. The absolute "way" is not just the speaking of wisdom. But one of continual practice in order to reach a universal realization. If one helps to align oneself with it, one must practice it. If one does not practice it, one will never reach it. Although it may take years of practice to become one with the absolute way. It takes but an instant to realize it. Kind prince, just relax your body and quit your senses. Forget that you are one among the many. Undo the mind and allow it to "return" to its virgin purity. Loosen the spirits (moving energy) within you. Thus all things return to their root and because there is no separation between themselves and thee their source, their return goes unrecognized. To know of the return is to depart from it. Do not be curious about its name and do not be in awe or in fear of its forms. Then the truth will present itself to you naturally of itself and you will join in oneness with deep and boundless reality. This is what it means to be absolute. (at-one-ment, self-God-realized, Nirvana, Satori, the kingdom of God, etc.). -Hua Hu Ching #49Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life (dissolution of the ego) and there are few who find it. -Jesus, Matthew 7:13, 14Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing (those who preach the word of God but have not attained it.) -Jesus, Matthew 7:1589.8www.guardiantext.orgPreviousTable of ContentsNextHome |