Meditation 106. Meditation Meditation

Gnosticis, from the Greek word Gnosis or knowledge. The gnostics believed that they were not of this world, but decedents of the one true God. They thought of themselves as sparks of the divine light entrapped by creation. Their goal – their salvation – was to escape this world and return to the heavenly realm or state of their origin. The gnostics believed the world (actually the materialistic way of life, not the planet earth) was created by an evil DEMIURGE which helped to trap the gnostics even more. The DEMIURGE is another name for the psychological-person-ality which is not of God and creates it's own world, i.e., The imaginary subjective and conceptual life style. (False knowledge) the word demiurge is the same as the Christian Anti-Christ and the Greek myth of Narcissus. They are the personification of the self created psychological-person-ality, the ego-I condition which ONLY EXISTS IN A PERSONS MIND and is therefore NOT an actual person. The gnostics believed that the SERPENT was good and was an AGENT of the true God. The serpent of the gnostics was the life force, also called the sex force or reproductive force of the KUNDALINI at the base of the spine which when properly activated raises the levels of consciousness which is described in THE REVELATION in the Christian bible. The escape inward reveals the coming or attainment (actually returning to) of the Christ consciousness the PAROUSIA (Greek, presence or arrival) is the SECOND COMING of the Christ, not Jesus, i.e., The FIRST COMING of Christ was on the OUTSIDE the SECOND COMING is on the INSIDE. As the life force moves upward through the seven Chakras, the seven stars, the seven lamp stands it makes a person aware of esoteric (secret spiritual) things and awakens clairvoyance and telepathy and one can see possible future events, if this sex force is not controlled and moves downward as in the case of Adam and Eve. The nervous system is stimulated and one's consciousness becomes uncentered (from the center of the brain) and eventually becomes associated and identified with the physical body and the pleasures of physical sensations, this entanglement is the first and only ORIGINAL SIN. Sin means to miss the mark, i.e., not to understand where one's own consciousness of SELF AWARENESS should be centered, either in the spiritual condition or in the physical condition of existence

Even Moses raised the serpent in the desert (John3:14) i.e., practiced Kundalini meditation in the inner empty desert of his pure consciousness where nothing exists except one's own true spiritual self-awareness in that condition of be-ing, one has the revelation that one is eternal spirit. Note: The largest area of stimulation and sensation on the human body is the skin. The true meaning of circumcision was the removing of one's awareness from the physical to the spiritual, i.e., meditation, the separation from the skin (the body) and not the skin from the body. How does cutting off a piece of skin make a person acceptable to God ? ? ?

The true spiritual teaching of all world teachers, such as Jesus, Lao Tzu, Buddha, Mohammed and others was basically be as follows:

   If you bring forth that which is within you, what you bring forth will save you, if you do not bring forth that which is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you. This means: During meditation you connect to your true inner spiritual self, also called the Christ consciousness, you experience the revelation and understand that you are an eternal spirit, the reflection, or son of God in the material plane, this is also known as Self-salvation, spiritual enlightenment, Nirvana, Samadhi, Satori, The Kingdom of God. The bringing forth of the inner you by going inward and manifesting the Christ consciousness is what saves you, i.e. self salvation, you are born again (as spirit) and are a light in the world to guide others. If you do not manifest (bring forth) the Christ consciousness, that is, you do not attain (actually return to) spiritual enlightenment, also called Nirvana, Samadhi, Heaven, etc. etc.. The spiritual energy of the body gradually leaves because it is disconnected from its source, the spiritual force, sometimes called Manna or Shakti is lost, the result is death of the physical body and the reincarnation of the soul to try to bring forth itself again, if it (the soul) does not become, so entangled with the body that it forgets its purpose...again.

-Jesus -The Gospel Of Thomas Chapter # 70


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