Thus, Gautama, called the "Buddha" (the "Enlightened One"), is a Master associated with the outer fire or yellow light, and the conquest of desire, or the navel, which represents the vital gross physical, lower emotional, and ordinary mental states of the bodily being. Krishna, called an "Avatar" (or total Incarnation) of Vishnu, is a Master associated with the inner blue light and the attainment of the "sky"* of the head or brain, which includes the astral, higher mental, and supermental states. Jesus of Nazareth, called the "Messiah" and the "Christ" (or the "Anointed Messenger of God"), is a Master associated with the Holy Spirit Mystery of white light, and the sacrifice, from the heart, of self and all one possesses into the central vision of white brightness. Jesus initiated his closest disciples into the internal vision of the "single eye" as a method of religious and mystical ascent, and he identified himself with the morning star and the central white light, which initially appears to the inner vision as a five-pointed star at the center of the blue field. Therefore, the "star that appeared in the east," the sign of the Presence of the Messenger of God, is in fact an exoteric literary symbol for this primary mystical phenomenon. But in fact this midbrain circle is just that. It is a manifest psycho-physical condition or sign, common or native to all. It has traditionally been interpreted to represent all kinds of higher significance, but at last it is simply a bodily signal and device for concentrated contemplation, diffusion or surrender of bodily awareness, quieting of the mind, and so forth. It is generally used as an agent for propagandizing or reinforcing certain religious or cosmological beliefs, cultic allegiances, and the like. It is not itself the true Reality. It is to be re-cognized, or "known again" through radical intuitive insight, as an ordinary modification of the prior Current and Consciousness that is our Condition in Truth. The vision of the "single eye" (or the attainment of the reductive and monognostic states in general) is attained by applying pressure to the brain core via activities that invert certain of the sense functions (sight, hearing, bodily sensation, and so forth), or deprive certain functions (sex, food, and the like), or bring certain outward tending brain functions to rest (such as thought), or exaggerate certain functions (such as emotional feeling) and turn them away from mundane objects toward "higher things." It is also gained by an intense upward concentration or contemplation toward the brain, by religious or philosophical activity (belief, reverie, ritual, invocation), and by intimate spiritual or yogic association with individuals who are polarized to the brain core on the basis of their own practice or awakening. Jesus, or the mystical school associated with that name, used archetypal religious ideas, asceticism or self-control, mechanical and religious techniques for the inversion of attention and upward contemplation, and both yogic and religious association with the Teacher as the symbol or agent of the central white light. This whole affair was central to Jesus' doctrine and method of salvation or reconciliation with the Creator God and the Heaven-Condition of Man (prior to the "fall," or distraction of attention toward the play of phenomena, or self-oriented experience, and away from the Realm of White Light.) The "Kingdom of God" which Jesus preached to his initiates (those who were pure and receptive enough to be shown directly what others were only allowed to approach through parables, moral lessons, and the demand to repent and seek purification through forgiveness) was a transfigured bodily, emotional, and mental condition that was supposed to be realized through regular absorbed contemplation, surrender, and receptivity relative to the central white light (not the cultic or bodily Jesus in himself, but the light with which he identified himself and which could be found in every "body"). Thus, Jesus said: "If your eye (or sight) be single, your whole body will be filled with light." The "Kingdom of God" was thus not merely in the future, nor a merely political and social event in this world. It was attainable even in the present by anyone who believed and yielded to the white light, allowing it to transform the mind and body and, ultimately, the world (by virtue of the conversion and transformation of great numbers of people, which would permit the magnification of the Holy Spirit, or the white light vibration, on Earth).** *Inner sky - the original ancient worship of the "sky and sun." (or son) **Heaven on earth - thy kingdom come. The sanctuary, the upper room, etc. Previous |