Philosophy � Greek 124. Philosophy � Greek Philosophy � Greek


(Spiritual Teacher) *


Note: * A true philosopher is any person who has attained "spiritual wisdom" and understand this to be the true purpose of life. The "lover" (seeker) of the transcendental spiritual state along with its "universal intuition" (wisdom) is the only person (male or female) developed (evolved) enough to guide others.

Correct synonyms are: Spiritual Mentor, Guru, Zen Master (Roshi) versed in the art of "Dharma Combat" which was called the "Socratic method" by the western schools of spiritual development.

The correct use of the "Socratic Method", a form of western style "Dharma Combat" is not intended to "win" an "argument". Its true use and value (when used by a virtuous person) is to confuse and stop the so-called "rational mind" of thinking (a sort of bio "computer freeze") in order that the questioner may "experience" his/her own pure consciousness. This may lead to an "intuition", which is from the universal mind or universal consciousness (which is inherent in all humans) and hopefully, the student/questioner may "experience" the truth of the fact that we (as humans) are "eternal beings" (spirit) and not individualized physical beings (an illusion or maya) as taught by Plato* in the "allegory of the cave".

Note: * Acadamy = Spiritual School (Ashram)


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