And no brain-made mind or body-“self” can say That “Universe” is seen by any ego-“I” at any time or place. The search for “knowledge” is hunter-gatherer behavior, based on the ancient pre-“civilized” brain. The search for “knowledge” leads to “Scapegoat” (or “object-in-the-middle”) rituals, in which power is always exercised over the “middle” (even to the degree of destroying it). Reality Itself is not in the “middle”. Reality Itself Is Inherently and Perfectly Prior to all-and-All. Ancient “religious” humankind thought and actively believed that the Sun revolves around the Earth. Reality Itself does not surround or “revolve around” attention, or “point of view”, or ego-“I”. Modern “scientific” humankind thinks and actively believes that the Earth revolves around the Sun. Attention, or “point of view”, or ego-“I”, does not surround or “revolve around” Reality Itself. Reality Itself egolessly, Indivisibly, and Divinely Is As Is—always already Prior to attention, “point of view”, and ego-”I”. Reality Itself Is Self-Evidently Divine. Reality Itself Is The Only Divine. Reality Itself is not a Deity. Reality Itself is not a relation of attention, “point of view”, or ego-“I”. Reality Itself—or The Divine Itself—Is The egoless and relationless Context of all-and-All. The ancients thought What Is Divine to be a Deity—or The Great Relation of attention, “point of view”, and ego-“I”. Over time, humankind subordinated “The Deity”—or “The Great Relation”—to attention, “point of view”, and ego-“I”. Eventually, “The Deity”—or “The Great Relation”—was reduced to “Scapegoat” status, as a mere “object” of exploitation by attention, “point of view”, and ego-“I”. At last, “The Deity”—or “The Great Relation”—was “scientifically” (and, thus and thereby, “officially”) discarded, or related to the status of a non-thought, or a non-idea, or a mere illusions (not to be thought again). In the course of the cultural, social, and political history of “The Deity”—or “The Great Relation” anciently invented by human thought—attention itself, or “point of view” itself, or the ego-“I” itself has, reductively and progressively (and, now, finally), become the Reality-Facsimile, and the Great Subject, and the Principal Occupation of humankind. It is—now and urgently—time for a new understanding of Reality Itself to emerge. Previous |