Science 144. Science Science

When it is Founded in Truth (or Reality Itself), science is no longer "scientific materialism", but is simply part of the human enterprise of observing (and coming to know about) conditionally manifested forms. There is nothing about true science, or even science in general, that is threatening to true religion. Science is very threatening to ordinary (or exoteric) religion – no doubt. But why should science be involved in an adolescent debate with conventional pious religiosity, or even religious nonsense? Part of the "darkness" of the present world-culture is that its present disposition (wedded to scientific materialism) supports a process that is destroying all modes of religion (both esoteric and exoteric). Of course, many religions are resisting that process. But, nevertheless, the dominant cultural disposition in this "late-time". Or "dark" epoch, is anti-religious – in the sense of being a criticism of exoteric (or conventional) religiosity.

In this "late-time," science presumes itself to be a kind of "esoteric" school, possessing what it regards to be a superior description of reality. That description of reality amounts, in the common scientific view, to an anathematizing f religion, and a declaration that reality is only material, and that therefore, the human being is only material. Thus, the human being is presumed to be a dead-end of merely material appearances, rather than what the human being truly (or Really) is (in Reality, Itself), which is a process in or of (and, ultimately, Identical to, and not separate from). That (One, and Only, and Non-Separate, and Non-Dual, and Indivisible, and Indestructible, and Always Already Most Prior Reality, or Real Condition, of Conscious Light) within Which the human pattern is arising, and with Which the human pattern is Always Already Coincident.

When advocates of scientific materialism criticize religion as an inherently limited expression of cognitive mind, they are criticizing exoteric (or ordinary) religion, the religion that is a manifestation of the cognitive mind (or of human ordinariness). True religion is not a manifestation of the cognitive mind. True religion is not a manifestation (or invention) of any aspect of conditional existence (itself). True religion is a Revelation in the midst of conditional existence. True religion is a revelation to conditional existence. Therefore, true religion is a revelation to everything that the human being is.

True religion is a revelation that fits all aspects of the human being to Reality itself. If you can live life better. Therefore, you can do science better, too. You can do anything better – which is to say that you can do anything right, and you can do it in a true (or right) disposition.

– End, Franklin Jones

Science is the way in which humanity may understand God – humanity is the way in which God may know, experience and understand IT SELF.



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