That our five senses are not our only means of knowledge and that a fragment of reality sometimes reaches the intelligence in other ways. Ontology Greek, on, ontos (being), logos (discourse). The doctrine of being. That part of metaphysics which investigates and explains the nature of all things or existences, treating of whatever does or can exist. Sometimes equivalent to metaphysics. Ontology, the science of being. Metaphysics Latin metaphysica; Greek meta- (behind, the foundation, source or structure) physica (nature). That science which seeks to trace the branches of human knowledge to their first principles in the constitution of our nature, or to find what is the nature of the human mind and its relations to the external world; the science that seeks to know the ultimate grounds of being or what it is that really exists, embracing both psychology and ontology. The eight elemental qualities that enter into all created life from atoms to mankind are: earth, water, fire, air, ether, motion, mind, and individuality. -Bhagavad-Gita VII:4The inability of science to solve life is absolute. This fact would be truly frightening were it not for faith. The mystery of life is certainly the most persistent problem ever placed before the thought of mankind. -MarconiThe science and technology of today, does NOT contribute to the TRUE "evolution" of the human race as those who create it and promote it would have you believe. -Aman VisitorThere is a world of difference between OUTER evolution and INNER evolution. TRUE SCIENCE contributes to both worlds (dimensions), FALSE SCIENCE will destroy both worlds (dimensions). Hua Ching Ni, States: As I understand it, the development of the mind has two main directions which exemplify yin and yang. There is the analytical generalizing mind on which modern science is based, and there is the high intuitive, or integral, mind which enables the truth to be presented in the right way. The integral mind, which differs from the modern intellectual mind, is the basis for the knowledge of the ancient sages. It sees the whole picture at a deep level, thus the discovery of the entire truth of the universe was possible. It undeniably took capable minds to connect with this good source of knowledge. With this knowledge, one can understand that an ordinary mind can be cultivated and developed to a level that can respond to the subtle truth of the universe. This ancient capability which can abstract a very complicated, detailed phenomenon and use a single word or picture or diagram to express it is not usually available to the ordinary human mind of today and is thus not easily understood, but we must recognize that the human mind is capable of such a high achievement. 144.6www.guardiantext.orgPreviousTable of ContentsNextHome |