Science 144. Science Science

The conditional domain (or the Cosmic domain of space-time, and psycho-physical, conditions) cannot be comprehended in its own terms. In and of itself, the conditional domain is a "problem", and a goad to seeking. When the irreducible, Indivisible, Unbroken "Brightness" of Reality id Realized. It is Found to be Always Already The Case, and It is Found to inherently Transcend all of conditional existence, all of space-time, all of apparent limitation – all of the gross dimension (of apparent materiality), all of the subtle dimension (of subtler materiality, and of mind), and all of the causal dimension (of root-causation).

Space-time (itself, or in its totality) cannot be observed. The "Big Bang" was not an event that could have been observed. The "Big Bang" is not something that occurred in space (or in time). The "Big Bang" is the origin of space (and of time). To look at the "Big Bang" as an event n space (and in time) is already to look at it in egoic terms, and from a position after the event. To examine the "Big Bang" in conventional scientific terms is to assume a dissociated (and separate, and separative) position, as if the ego-"I" (or the "observing" body-mind) were standing outside of space-time – but it does not. Egoity (and all of psychophysical self, or body-mind) is, inherently and necessarily, an event in ( and of) space-time. The body-mind is event in (and of) space-time. That in which the body-mind is occurring (or of Which the body-mind is a modification, or a mere and temporary appearance) necessarily (Itself) Transcends space-time, Transcends limitation, Transcends the apparent breaking of Fundamental Light (or of Energy Itself, or of Radiance Itself).

The presumption of "point of view" – as the "knower", and the "measure", of Reality Itself – is the fundamental error (or inherent limitation) of conventional science and conventional (or exoteric) religion. Those who publicly advocate the viewpoint of scientific materialism tend to speak in terms that "make nothing" of religion. Such advocates of the scientific materialist point of view are, in effect, still fighting with the catholic Christian religious authorities at the beginning of the European Renaissance. They all, in effect, imagine themselves to be Galileo, "getting the goods" in exoteric religion – which is a "straw man", easy to criticize. Exoteric religion is filled with limitations, and scientific materialists "love" to "make nothing" of it.

In the view of some scientific materialists, "religion" is merely a kind of bizarre episode of human mind, an expression of a mind naturally fitted to very simple patterns of comprehension that, although they have an ordinary natural purpose, cannot comprehend the "big picture", or great Cosmic (and even pre-Cosmic, or non-Cosmic) matters. According to this point of view, religious statements are merely a kind of mental babbling ultimately no more profound, or meaningful, than "Pass the salt" or "Walk down the block", or even random computer "garbage" – and, therefore, religion is to be discounted (as a pre-scientific, or non-scientific, and, therefore, un-comprehending, mode of mind and language).

Anti-religionists, atheists, and so forth, generally do not talk seriously about great esoteric religion and Spirituality. They merely take delight in creating verbal conflict with "other" (or science-challenged) human beings. The reason why they seem to have so much energy for promoting their anti-religious (and inherently "dark"and hopeless) point of view is that, in doing so, they presume they are addressing (and academically "sporting" with) non-scientists, even exoteric religionists, people with non-scientific (and scientifically insupportable, and therefore, it is presumed, irrational) views, and so forth. Like headstrong young college students, they derive great enjoyment from denying (and even "officially" anathematizing) absolutely everything that the pious religionists merely believe. But, outside the circumstance of that adolescent debate, where would they get any energy for denying Reality Itself, in Its Greatness? Any fool can delight in abusive conflicts with public religionists of the ordinary and exoteric kind. But what about Truth? What about the Great Matter – Reality Itself?


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