FORTH VERSION God so loved the world (all of creation) that he gave his only begotten Son (i.e., put himself in creation as the Holy Spirit - the only real God). So that whoever believes in him (that God is in creation and not far away beyond space, i.e., some place else) and finds God Within, shall not parish, but the once separated soul, now united with God and the same as God, shall now have eternal life. -John 3:16Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends. i.e., To lay down the psychological personality and manifest God in the world in order for humanity to believe in God and show the way back to eternal life. -Jesus, John 15:13If you BRING FORTH that which is WITHIN you, that which you BRING FORTH will SAVE you. -Jesus, The Gospel of Thomas #70Jesus said, "To all those that received him, to them he gave the power to become sons of God." The plural number in "sons of God" shows distinctly from his own lips that not his body but his spirit was the only begotten son, and all those could become sons of God who could clarify their consciousness by meditation, and receive, or in an unobstructed way reflect the power of God. In other words, they could be one with the only begotten reflection in all matter and become sons of God like Jesus. In meditation, a persons expanded consciousness becomes stable in all creation, it feels the presence of Christ consciousness in all vibration. The person meditating becomes Christ-like; his consciousness experiences, "The Second Coming of Christ," He feels in his vehicle the presence of Christ consciousness (God) as Jesus felt Christ expressed in his body. -YoganandaThe second coming of "Christ" (not Jesus) is when a human being attains "self realization," also called Nirvana, Satori, Samadhi, heaven, the kingdom of God, Tao, etc. This person is now in the "Christ" condition and can therefore be rightly called the son of God, son of Zeus (Greeks), son of Tao (Taoism), Son of Jupiter. This person can also say, "I and my Father are one" as Jesus said or just say, "I am God" (the same as God, in consciousness). In the case of a female she would be and call herself the "divine mother," and be a Christ also. For the "Christ" is not male or female but "spirit" or, pure consciousness spirit in the form of SELF-AWARENESS prior to, and inner witness to the OUTER BODY, mind, and thoughts, which create its own psychological ego. All of Mankind is the Avatar but they fall short. -Franklin JonesHUMAN BEINGS ARE THE ONLY VEHICLE IN WHICH GOD CAN EXPERIENCE AND KNOW HIM/IT SELF. THE ONLY WAY GOD CAN FINALLY FULLY MANIFEST, AND MATERIALIZE. IT IS NOT US WHO ARE BORN AGAIN, BUT IT IS GOD BEING BORN THROUGH US. A TRUE STORY: A large group of people were waiting for a spiritual teacher who was now very late for the meeting. When he finally arrived he walked to the center of the stage and bowed his head a little and said, I'M SORRY FOR BEING LATE, then he lifted his head and his eyes seemed to open wide as if to see everyone there, and then he said, with the most profound sincerity and compassion, BUT ACTUALLY, IT IS ALL OF YOU WHO ARE LATE. Previous |