If we in truth want to realize God in this lifetime, then we start to direct our energies towards getting there. The predicament with sexuality is that no matter how nice our intentions, the act itself is so powerful that it catches us into the gratification that comes from our separateness, which means sensual gratification. And in that sense, it's reinforcing our separateness. We don't give up sex because it is bad or wrong. What we do is acknowledge how much we want God and turn our hearts and minds in that direction. We can't get into a struggle against it, because every time we're busy struggling against something, we're reinforcing its reality. -Ram DassThe issue of "Tantra" is often played with by people who desire sexual gratification. And they try to have their cake and eat it, too. But in truth, when we desire to have a sexual relationship with another person, the arousal process and the gratification is reinforced that desire. The only kind of truly tantric sexuality that is possible is between two human beings who are so rooted in God (i.e., self realization, Satori, Nirvana, Tao, Samadhi, etc.) that there is no preoccupying desire for the other person as "other." Then, we may use the physiological process of body interaction in order to awaken energy to move it up through the "chakras." But that is only when there is no preoccupying desire whatsoever in either partner. Because the soul is neither male nor female, and when you have identified yourself as an awakening soul, the sexual dance starts to lose its pull. -Ram DassThere was much pornography in the early Christian church. They assumed that the sixteen combination of male and female union was a description of physical sex between a man and woman. The male and female words were metaphors for the male and female reproductive and CREATIVE FORCES of the creation of the universe. This was understood by the Gnostics, essences, Kabbalhistcs, Taoist and other small but knowledgeable sects. The early church also misunderstood the spiritual meaning of the cutting (REMOVING) OF THE LOCKS FROM THY TEMPLE. This does not mean not cutting the hair from the side, temples, of one's head. The warning was, not to be so identified with the physical body-brain that one lets the higher spiritual centers, Chakra's or TEMPLES OF CONSCIOUSNESS, become dormant which causes one to become CUT OFF from the higher spiritual understanding of the purpose of life. How does not cutting off of a body excretion make one Holy? The same lack of discernment was applied to the word circumcision which was the spiritual practice of disassociation and unidentification from the physical body-brain and its largest area of sensation the skin. The OUTER SKIN, the front skin, the fore skin, the skin of the OUTER BODY, while one returns to one's identification with the INNER world of spiritual consciousness and spiritual-self-awareness. How does the cutting off of a piece of useless skin make one acceptable to God? 153.1www.guardiantext.org Previous |