Pay attention to the teaching that comes to you in your everyday life. You will find inspiring teachings, informal rather than formal, everywhere if you are open to them, once you nurture the sensitivity of your spiritual energy. They come disguised as events, situations, gifts, people, environments, jobs, objects, difficulties and thoughts, etc. Your life is your teacher and my books with their recommended practices will help you learn. Both positive and seemingly negative happenings can be recognized to great advantage in your learning. So, be open to what comes to you, and ask yourself, "What is the lesson that I can learn from this? What is my relationship to this? What can this show me about the truth?" More importantly, the right inspiration will come to you according to the stage of life you are in and your level of spiritual development. There was never a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor will there be any future in which we shall cease to be. -Sri Krishna, The Previous |