A POSTERIORI: Literally meaning "after." A statement, concept, or idea that is determined after the fact, based on experience or observation. A PRIORI: Literally meaning "before." A statement, concept, or idea that is a given and does not need to be based on experience or observation. (E. Kant) ABSOLUTE: George W.F. Hegel's name for the ultimate reality. ABSTINENCE: We have to abstain or refrain from doing certain things if we are to make progress in our spiritual development. We must abstain and refrain from injuring others; from telling lies, theft. We must avoid theft because it alters the "material balance" of another person. Sensuality is an impure form of sex. While natural and pure sex can elevate one, sensuality can ruin one's spiritual development. We should not be guilty of greed. People are "lent" (by God's grace) money or abilities in order that we may help others. If we refuse to share or help in a time of need, then we may be sure that we may not receive in our time of need. The five fundamental abstinence are: injuring others, lies, theft, sensuality, and greed. ACHAMANA: This is a rite of Hinduism in which the worshipper purifies him/her self by thinking pure thoughts while sipping water and sprinkling water around him/herself. It is similar to the sprinkling of water during a Christian ceremony of baptism. This is done before meditation. ACHARYA: This is a word for spiritual teacher or guru. It is used as a suffix to a revered religious-spiritual teacher. ADHARMA: The lack of virtue, lack of righteousness. AESTHETICS: The school of philosophy that ponders the nature of art and beauty. Schopenhauer recommended it as one of the ways to keep earthly passions at bay. AGAMA: A scripture, or in Tibet, a "tantra" used to indicate a work in mystical or metaphysical worship. AGAMI KARMA: A more correct term for karma. The physical and mental acts performed by a person which affects one's future incarnations, i.e., ye shall reap what ye sow. Future karma is stored in the subconscious mind. AHAMKARA: Ahamkara is the controlling or directing factor in the mind which receives sense impressions and establishes them in the form of facts which we can also "recall" later at will. AHIMSA: The policy of non-violence and peace. The refraining of harm to another by thought, deed, or word, or "do as you would be done by" (the main policy of Gandhi). AI: The equal love for all without discrimination in any form. The spiritual attainment of this word (condition) means we are free from physical birth again, because of our "most purest" state of mind. AJAPA: A "special" mantra. AJNACHAKRA: The sixth of the commonly accepted charkas or yogic centers of consciousness. Some ancient spiritual sects claim as many as nine centers. It is the center at the eyebrow level. The mechanism of the sixth-sense and clairvoyance, internal visions, and knowledge of other worlds (dimensions) and "prophesy." 163.1www.guardiantext.org Previous |