MEDITATION: A system of putting one's mind in order, to train it, to develop it. The process of enlightened spiritual evolution. "True meditation" has nothing to do with thoughts or visualization, but deals with the development and cultivation of consciousness awareness, which is the only reality (truth). MICROCOSM (little universe): The individual human being understood as an image of the world as a whole. MING: (Chinese). Destiny or fate, or an order from God above. MING CHIA: The science of vibrations and of creating important words or names for things. MIRROR STAGE: In Lacanian psychology, a crucial moment in the formation of the subject's awareness of himself as a person. MITHYA: The "bonds" created by this world of illusion, a state of ignorance. MOKSHA: Liberation, enlightenment, freedom from illusion, spiritual attainment, self realization. The same as Satori, Nirvana, cosmic consciousness, etc. MONADS: According to Leibniz's philosophy, simple substances that cannot be broken down any further. They do not take up space and can perceive reality.
MONISM: The belief that one element or thing is the basic stuff of reality. The Presocratic philosophers were Monists. The belief that the natural world is all connected into a single whole. MONOTHEISM: The belief in a single all-powerful God. MUNDRAS: Basically exercises of Hatha Yoga to obtain a certain result. MULADHARA: A chakra below the base of the spine, not the kundalini. The exact location of the kundalini is "between" the excretion and reproductive organs. MUMUKSHUTWA: The very, very strong desire to be free of the body and its bonds. The desire to "return" to the "true" spiritual condition. MUNI: One who never speaks about his/her spiritual matters, experiences. MYSTICISM: The study and understanding of things which are beyond the physical human experience. Has nothing to do with black magic or spells, etc. The ideas that we can have direct experience of God. This may come in the form of dreams and visions, or may come through meditation or artistic creativity. NADAS: The sound or voice within telling you what to do or what not to do (conscious). NATURAL SELECTION: Charles Darwin's theory of Evolution. Members of a species that are the "fittest" survive and reproduce, altering the species over time as those unable to adapt die off. NATURALISTIC FALLACY: The mistaken idea that we can say how things ought to be, based on a knowledge of how things are. It is also known as "Hume's law." Previous |