SANCHITA KARMA: Karma that can be set aside to see how a person performs in life. This kind of karma can be forgiven of an individual if one acts correctly in life. SANNYAS: The life style of self denial of a person who enters a monastery and has dedicated their whole life to God/self realization. SARASVATI: Refers to the "divine mother" of any religion, Christian, Hinduism, Lamastic, etc.; "the Goddess of Learning." SAT: Absolute existence or pure consciousness-being prior to creation, i.e., God, reality, truth. SATYA: Truthfulness and abstinences from deceiving others. SATYA YUGA: The first of the four world periods (we now are in Kali Yuga). SCHOLASTICISM: Medieval philosophy based on Aristotle's logic. It became notorious for focusing on irrelevant questions, but eventually led toward a more scientific worldview. SELF-POSSESSION or SELF-POSSESSED: Conventionally, "self-possessed" means "possessed of oneself" - or having full control (calmness, or composure) of one's feelings, impulses, habits, and actions. This text uses the term to indicate the state of being possessed by one's egoic self, or controlled by chronically self-referring (or egoic) tendencies of attention, feeling, thought, desire, and action. Thus, unless (in every moment) body, emotion, desire, thought, separate and separative self, and all attention are actively and completely surrendered, one is egoically "self-possessed," even when exhibiting personal control of one's feelings, habits, and actions. SHAKTI (SANSKRIT): The energy of God. That which creates, preserves and ends the universe or G.O.D., generating, organizing, and dissolving. The Living Conscious Force or Divine Cosmic and Manifesting Energy; the generative Power and Motion of the cosmos; Spiritual Power; the Life-Current of the Living God. When capitalized (Shakti), the term refers to the Universal or Perfect Divine Power. When written in lower case (shakti), the term refers to that same Power in the form of various finite energies and activities, high or low, within or associated with the human individual. Traditionally, the Divine Self-Radiance (the "female" aspect of the One Reality), or the All-Pervading Energy that is modified as all conditional forms, has been contacted and worshiped as the Divine Goddess. By Herself, She is "Maya," the Goddess associated with the deluding power of Nature, or the veiling of God. SHAKTIPAT: In Hindu, "Shaktipat" is the "descent of the Power." Yogic Shaktipat, through which Yogic Adepts transmit natural, conditional energies (or partial manifestations of the Divine Spirit-Current), is typically granted through touch, word, glance, or regard. SHANTI: Means "place," at the end of a discourse. In Christian religion, it is the same as Pax Vobiscum (Latin) meaning "peace be with you," i.e., the place of peace, rest, God union, Satori, at-onement, self realization, Nirvana, etc. Previous |