COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS: The highest form of Savikalpa Samadhi, in which bodily, or at least psycho-sensual, awareness remains intact and operating, but psycho-physical, or cosmic, existence is otherwise (or simultaneously) perceived in Consciousness as an Infinite Unity. COSMOGONY: The study of the origin of the world. COSMOLOGY: The study of the nature and order of the world. CULT: Half true or false teachings by a person, teacher with little or no spiritual perception and pretends to be a "great teacher," master, for selfish reasons, i.e., money, sex. If the "teacher" is more important than the "student," then it is a cult. Some of the world's most truthful and honest spiritual groups were called "cults" by competitive religious organizations in order to destroy them. CONSCIOUSNESS: Another name for spirit or soul. DA CHI GONG: A primary form of "conscious exercise" in the Way of the Heart. The traditional Chinese practice of Chi Gong (also sometimes spelled "qigong" or "chi kung"). Da Chi Gong is a devotional practice, performed in feeling-Contemplation. DAMA: The quieting of the ten organs of sense and action. Must be attained before true meditation can begin. DARSHAN: In Sanskrit, the word "Darshan" means "seeing," "sight of," "vision of." In the Indian traditions, such seeing also involves feeling. Thus, "to have Darshan" of a saint, a holy image, etc., is a participatory, feeling act, not merely a visual witnessing of an object. DASEIN: Heidegger's word for what he called "Being There," a fully realized conscious approach to life, more than merely "stayin' alive." DECONSTRUCTION: The practice of unraveling meaning from written language to show how it is put together out of assumptions that can't be true. DECONSTRUCTIONISM: The process of breaking down a thing (in Jacques Derrida's case, language) to show that what is being stated is in fact inherently false. DEDUCTION: The process of determining what is necessarily true based on what is already known to be true. DEISM: The belief in an unknowable God who set the world in motion at the beginning of time but has done little to interfere with nature since that time. DEHA: "One who has a body." Humans have three basic bodies: the dense, the subtle, and the causal. The body is a "temple" whereby the soul or overself, consciousness spirit being can gain experience from the physical life. DETERMINISM: The idea that what happens has to happen as a result of natural laws, a divine plan, or human nature. A classic philosophical problem concerns whether determinism is compatible with the notion of individual freedom. Previous |