The Brain - The Bio Computer The" False Knowledge" of "Artificial intelligence". All perceptions are brain-and-nervous-system-patterned recordings of apparent discrete events that have already occurred at least a fraction of a second before awareness “knows” (or perceives) them. Therefore, all perceptions are memories. Because all perceptions are memories (or psycho-physical recordings of events that have already occurred), no perception is a direct and present-time “knowing” of any discretely perceptible event. Every instance of perception is a mode of thinking (or a memory-based mode of “knowing”)—rather than an instance of concrete direct actuality of any event other than the memory-based perception-event of the body-mind-complex itself. Every instance of perception is participation in the perceptual “knowing”- event (or psycho-physical memory-process) of the body-mind-complex itself— rather than an instance of the concrete actual arising of any “outside” event itself, Prior to and apart from the process of “knowing” it. Fundamentally, there is no difference between conceptual and perceptual processes—because conceptual processes and perceptual processes are both modes of presumed-to-be-“knowing” what is (naively) presumed to be “outside” (or “object” to) the “point of view”, rather than modes of “being” either the “point of view” itself or the any “object” itself. To perceive is to remember. To perceive is to be thinking. All perception is perceptual (rather than conceptual) thinking—although both conceptual thinking and perceptual thinking may occur coincidently. All thinking (whether perceptual or conceptual) is a psycho-physical act of “objectification”. All psycho-physical acts of “objectification” are enacted by and from (and as an extension and reflection of) “space-time-location” (or “point of view”). Reality Itself—and, also, the total “universe” of potential discrete perceptions (whether of “objectified self” or of “objectified not-self”)—Is Always Already, egolessly, and Indivisibly Prior to the act and the results of perception, conception, and “space-time-locatedness” (or “point of view”). Previous |