The WAY in this work is to be understood as an ESTABLISHED CONDITION and NOT/as a path, or way to something. Therefore the WAY is the state and condition of God-self-realization and spiritual enlightenment with the spiritual insight to remain in and as that state of spirit. The WAY is the spiritual knowledge (Gnosis) and condition of maintaining the spiritual condition and state (mode of spirit). The WAY is the inherent spiritual understanding of the natural true God SELF (the real you) not to become identified with the material-physical body-brain and material realm. Jesus states: Be PASSERS BY i.e., to MAINTAIN the condition of SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT and INNER WITNESS STATE and manifesting and bringing forth the force and radiance of the divine SELF and NOT become identified with anything created, gross or subtle. The Gospel of Thomas #42 * The WAY is the realization of be-ing and MAINTAINING ONE'S NATURAL AND ORIGINAL STATE OF SPIRITUAL-SELF-AWARENESS, (also called spiritual enlightenment, Satori, Nirvana, Samadhi, Tao, Heaven, at-onement,) and NOT relinquishing, Not renouncing, NOT letting go, NOT giving up, NOT abandoning that state of grace, or "does not do wrong knowingly." -Socrates The WAY IS the spiritual condition prior to and inner witness to the outer physical body and brain with its self created person-ality. The WAY is NOT a path which leads to God and God-self-realization. The WAY is NOT a method, technique strategy or goal. The WAY is NOT a religion and does not BELONG to any religion or spiritual school. The WAY is not A system or life style created by the psychological-person-ality to attain God-union. Jesus states that he IS the WAY. i.e., Jesus has attained (actually returned to) God-self-realization and is maintaining and expressing that spiritual condition of Christ-consciousness. Jesus, now AS the Christ, is stating that I am in and one with the eternal state and condition of God-union, also called the kingdom of God, Heaven, Baptized in spirit, born again - from man to spirit. The WAY is the IMMORTAL MEDICINE and ALCHEMY of the ancient Taoists. The WAY is attained (actually returned to) and established in one's life by the practice, of meditation-cultivation, it can be received as a temporary experience from a saint, spiritual master, Guru, Sage, etc, for the purpose of demonstrating to the recipient that such a spiritual state and spiritual condition does, in fact exist, and is the true expression in this life experience. The spiritual WAY, the spiritual TRUTH and the Spiritual LIFE are the same spiritual state. The way! Sometimes called the law of God, is the SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING of not MISSING THE MARK (the first and only sin), and to REMAIN identified with and as ETERNAL-SPIRIT-CONSCIOUSNESS and not become so involved with the physical-material body that one forgets one's FIRST LOVE. The WAY is the ORIGINAL spiritual condition, and ORIGINAL state of BE-ING. Previous |