That requires enormously great understanding, watchfulness, to see how the mind divides itself into the high and the low – the high being the security, the permanent entity – but still remaining a process of thought and therefore of time. If we can understand this as direct experience, then you will see that quite a different factor comes into being. -End of statement Thinking is not insight. Insight is not thinking. Wisdom is not thinking. Thinking is not wisdom. Insight, intuition, and wisdom occur when thinking stops, momentarily or permanently. Thought is only memory or the combinations of two or more memories to form another. Intuition and wisdom are from the "spirit," or consciousness prior to and without thought (thinking). Wisdom is true spiritual understanding. The "remembrance" of all things spoken of by Jesus. The Zen "koan" is designed to "stall" or arrest the thinking process in hopes of attaining insights, or the "ultimate insight" of SELF realization. Thinking is the "rapid recalling" of the physical bio-computer brain when it is in its "search engine mode," when searching stops, natural intuition may come into play and provide the answer. Intuitions are from the universal consciousness, the true and universal Self. Many people understand the temptation of the physical body. But the thought process is also part of the physical body and is a form of subtle temptation. To think or assume that the body is the material, and that "thoughts" are the spiritual "realm" is incorrect. Thoughts are subtle, but they still are part of the material realm and must be overcome to attain freedom. The physical body is the origin of your suffering and unhappiness; however, it can become the alter for your practice of self cultivation. Do not think that acting with trickery and deceit is beneficial to your physical body. What you may think is good for your body may damage your mind. When your mind is damaged, your soul will descend. -Hua Ching Ni - (Teacher) Gross man seldom or never realizes that his body is a kingdom, governed by emperor soul on the throne of the cranium, with subsidiary regents in the six spinal centers or spheres of consciousness. This theocracy extends over a throng of obedient subjects: twenty-seven thousand billion cells (endowed with sure if seemingly automatic intelligence by which they perform all duties of the bodily growths, transformations, and dissolutions) and fifty million substratal thoughts, emotions, and variations of alternating phases in man's consciousness in an average life of sixty years. -Yogananda Thoughts and thinking are necessary in order to stimulate insight to the nature of one's true self. The paradox is, in order to attain (actually return to) God-self-realization one's thoughts and memory must temporarily be set aside as one's practices meditation. (The SELF is prior to one's own body, brain and thoughts and even to one's own psychological personality. As you think in your heart, so shall it be. -Proverbs 23:7 What we think, we become. -Buddha These statements describe the laws of karma. Have these statements been distorted to be the secret keys to anything an individual wants, ...or are they a WARNING to avoid entrapment in the PHYSICAL and MENTAL life experience as one passes through the material plane of evolution?... after all ... "What profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world ... but loses his own soul?" -Jesus (Matt. 16:26) Previous |