Virtue, from Latin, Virtus, Virtutis. – Worth, excellence, moral goodness, any good quality, merit or accomplishment. SPIRITUAL VIRTUE is also known as spiritual enlightenment. Nirvana, Samadhi, at-one-ment, Satori, Tao, etc, etc, etc. SPIRITUAL VIRTUE is the pure state of consciousness prior to the body-brain and its self-creation of the psychological-person-ality, the ego-I condition and it's space-time subject object mentality. A virtuous person is one who is with out fault. To return to one's original state and condition of eternal SELF and God-self-realization is to be perfect in spirit-consciousness as God is perfect in spirit consciousness, i.e., with out identification or association, but prior to all conditions of creation and life, (in the ETERNAL NOW moment, at rest). "VIRTUE" is the term Socrates used to represent the state of SPIRITUAL-SELF-REALIZATION. Plato expressed it as, "THE FORM OF THE GOOD." Previous |