Consciousness Itself (Which is Uncaused, Self-Existing, Unchanging, Transcendental Being and Self-Radiant Eternal Love-Bliss) is God, Truth, Reality, and Happiness. Therefore, God, Truth, Reality, or Happiness is "Located" and Realized by transcending the bondage of attention to the conditional self (or body-mind) and its relations. This is done only by returning attention to Intuitive Identification with its Source-Condition, by releasing (or transcending) attention in the Self-Existing and Self-Radiant Divine Self-Domain of Love-Blissful Consciousness (Itself). Consciousness is the Ultimate Form (or the inherently Perfect State) of "knowledge" (if mere knowledge becomes Realization). The Realization of Perfect Identification with Consciousness (Itself), Which is the Perfectly Subjective Source (rather than an object, or even the Ultimate Object) of experience and knowledge, is better described as Ignorance, rather than mere knowledge, since It Transcends all objective and conventionally subjective categories of conditional experience and mere (or conditional) knowledge. Consciousness is That Which, when fully Realized, sets you Free from all bondage and all seeking. Consciousness is God. Consciousness is the Truth. Consciousness is the Liberator, Eleutherios. All objects are only apparent relations of Consciousness. Objects appear to Consciousness when It (apparently) consents to be apparently active as attention in relation to an apparent body-mind in the apparent conditional realm of Nature. Consciousness Itself is never separate, limited, individual, conditional, or un-Happy. Consciousness Itself is the Transcendental, One, Eternal, and necessarily Divine Principle (or inherently Perfect Condition) of all apparent existence (and of Existence Itself). When viewed by the Transcendental Divine Self- Consciousness, all objects are inherently Recognizable in and as the (inherently Spiritual) Happiness (or Self-Existing and Self-Radiant Love-Bliss) of Transcendental Divine Being (Itself). There are, in Truth, no objects, but There Is Only (or Really, and Perfectly) Self-Existing and Self-Radiant Transcendental Divine Being (Itself), Consciousness (Itself), or Happiness (Itself). When everything is Realized to be Consciousness, There is Only Consciousness. Then There Is Only Truth, or Freedom from all bondage to the conditional self and the conditional world. Then You Are Consciousness (Itself), the Truth (Itself), or Freedom Itself. Previous |