"Sin" (or a state of "sin") is any act (or the act), or any state (or the state) that "misses the Mark" (or that stands separately, and apart from That Which Must Be Realized). The "Mark" (or That Which Must Be Realized) is God, Truth, or the Inherently Perfect Reality. And "sin," or the (original and fundamental) act and state that "misses the Mark" (or that fails to Realize God, Truth, or the Inherently Perfect Reality), is egoity (or the ego-"I," which is self-contraction, or the act and state that stands separate and apart). Therefore, "sin" is, simply, egoity (or self-contraction). And egoity is, simply, un-Enlightenment (or non-Realization of God, Truth, or the Inherently Perfect Reality). Just so, Most Perfect Enlightenment (or Most Perfect Realization of God, Truth, or the Inherently Perfect Reality) Is (and, therefore, requires) the inherent (and inherently Most Perfect) transcendence of "sin" (or of the ego-"I," which is self-contraction.) Therefore, Most Perfect Enlightenment (Which is inherent, and inherently Most Perfect, transcendence of the ego-"I") is Perfect non-separation from the "Mark" (or from That Which Must Be Realized). "Sin" (or any and every sign and result of egoic un-Enlightenment) is Identification with (or limitation by) whatever is not God, Truth, or the Inherently Perfect Reality. Therefore, ultimately, "sin" (or egoic un-Enlightenment) is the act and the state of non-Identification with God, Truth, or the Inherently Perfect Reality. The action (or the progressive counter-egoic process) whereby "sin" (or any and every sign and result of egoic un-Enlightenment) is transcended is the action (or the progressive counter-egoic process) of non-Identification with whatever is not God, Truth, or the Inherently Perfect Reality. Therefore, most ultimately, the transcendence of "sin" (or of any and every sign and result of egoic un-Enlightenment) is the "radical" (or most direct, and inherently ego-transcending) Act, Process, or Event of Inherent (and Inherently Most Perfect) Identification with God, Truth, or the Inherently Perfect Reality. Be Consciousness. Transcend everything in Consciousness. The necessary functional requirements for the "Perfect Practice" of the Heart (and for the Realization of Transcendental, and inherently Spiritual, Divine Consciousness, Itself) are Free (or Freely available) functional energy and Free (or Freely available) functional attention. Therefore, as a base for That Realization, you must establish your own body-mind in a stable condition of equanimity (wherein functional energy and functional attention are Freely available, or naturally Free).
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