The necessary qualification for the most direct "consideration" of conditional existence (and of Existence Itself) is the effective capability to stand as stably Free functional attention (Free and able to constantly inspect and "consider" the Original, or Most Basic, and Most Prior Condition of conditional existence, rather than merely to be controlled by the body-mind and its experience). On the basis of that Free functional attention, you can directly inspect and "consider" your Obvious (Original, or Most Basic) Condition in (apparent) relation to all experience. If this is done, it is obvious that you are simply (and Obviously) Consciousness (Whatever That may yet be Realized to Be, Most Ultimately). You are always already established in and as That Standpoint. You always (Originally, or Most Basically) Exist As That Very Consciousness (Itself), rather than as the (conditional, and subsequent) presumption of identification with the apparent body-mind - which presumption is a convention of the body-mind itself, or a sense of identity that is superimposed on Consciousness (Itself) subsequent to the mechanical arising of experience. If you inspect and "consider" experience in every moment from the Native Standpoint of Consciousness (Itself), it is evident (or inherently Obvious) that whatever is (apparently) arising is always arising to (or, really, within) Consciousness (Itself), and as an apparent modification of Consciousness (Itself). Your Original or Native Position is Consciousness (Itself), and if Consciousness (Itself) will "consider" experience from the "Point of View" of Consciousness (Itself), rather than (apparently) first submit Itself to be (apparently) controlled by experience and known (conditionally and only subsequently) from the point of view of experience, then Consciousness (Itself) is already established in Its Own Native Standpoint, directly and Freely aware that It is (apparently) being confronted and modified or "played" upon in the evident form of various kinds of objects or superimpositions. By abiding continually in This Native Standpoint relative to experience, you become more and more profoundly aware of and as Consciousness (Itself), rather than more and more mechanically aware of the objects, experiences, and states of conditional identity that are (apparently) superimposed on Consciousness (Itself) in the spontaneous drama of Its Own (apparent) modification. This profound and Native Abiding in and as Consciousness (Itself) is the final or Most Basic means for Realizing the Liberating Truth of conditional existence (Which Truth Is Existence Itself). When you most directly (or Freely) inspect the conditional self and its objects, all arising conditions (including body, emotions, mind, and the sense of being a defined, separate, and limited self-consciousness) are observed to be mere (apparent) relations of Consciousness (Itself). What is more, Consciousness (Itself), when It is directly "Located" and profoundly Identified With, is not found or felt to be separate, limited, individual, or in any sense un-Happy. And all of the objects, relations, and states that appear to Consciousness (Itself) are, from the "Point of View" of Consciousness (Itself), intuitively felt to be transparent, or merely apparent, and un-necessary, and inherently non-binding modifications of Itself. Therefore, the "consideration" of Consciousness (from the "Point of View" of Consciousness) eventually, inevitably, spontaneously, and most directly (prior to thought, or the mere and conditional knowledge or experience of any object, condition, or state other than Itself) Realizes Consciousness (Itself) to be the Transcendental (and inherently Spiritual, and necessarily Divine) Reality, or the Ultimate Principle in Which egoic (or apparently separate) attention-consciousness and all experiences are arising. When the Condition of Consciousness Itself is thus Realized, it is Obvious that the Transcendental (and inherently Spiritual) Divine Self-Condition of Being (Itself) is at the Root or Source of attention, actually at the Heart (or Being-Position) of all conscious beings. And, what is more, the objects of functional attention-consciousness are Realized to be not independent relations of Consciousness Itself, but only transparent, or merely apparent, and un-necessary, and inherently non-binding modifications of That Which Is Consciousness Itself. That is to say, the phenomenal cosmos is, Most Ultimately, Realized to be a Mysterious, or non-mechanical, spontaneous, transparent, or merely apparent, and un-necessary, and inherently non-binding, modification of the perfectly Subjective Radiance, Inherent Energy, or Self-Existing and Self-Radiant Love-Bliss That is Identical to Consciousness Itself. Previous |