On the basis of This "radical consideration" and Realization, it becomes spontaneously Obvious that there is One Principle, Which is Self-Existing and Self-Radiant Transcendental (and necessarily Divine) Being, Consciousness, Love-Bliss, or Eternal Happiness, and not, in Truth or Reality, two Principles-that is, conditional consciousness (or attention-consciousness), or even an Independent Absolute Consciousness, and everything (or even an Independent All-Pervading Substance or Energy) that appears to be other than or object to conditional consciousness (or That Independent Absolute Consciousness). Consciousness (Itself) is the One (Self-Evident, Self-Existing, and Self-Radiant) Principle. It is Self-Existing Transcendental Divine Being and Self-Radiant Love-Bliss (or Eternal and inherently Spiritual Happiness) Itself. And nothing that can arise as experience (or apparent modification) is necessary or binding to It. What you must Realize or Awaken into (by first acknowledging and consenting to be your own Native Standpoint) is the Self-Evident, Self-Existing, and Self-Radiant Consciousness. That is the Real, Ultimate, Transcendental, inherently Spiritual, and necessarily Divine Condition of conditional self and conditional not-self. If That is Realized as the Obvious, then there is inherent Freedom-and conditional existence, experience, or attention has no necessity or binding power. That Realization (Which is the Realization of Existence Itself) is Realization of the inherent Condition (of Self-Condition) or (apparent) conditional existence and not merely the Goal of (apparent) conditional existence. And when Consciousness Itself is Realized most profoundly (or Most Perfectly), conditional existence becomes as if transparent, or even non-existent - Divinely Transfigured and (Most Ultimately) Outshined* in the One Transcendental (and inherently Spiritual) Divine Self-Condition.
*"Divine Transfiguration" and "Outshining" are two of the four phases. The four phases are Divine Transfiguration, Divine Transformation, Divine Indifference, and Divine Translation (Outshining). In the phase of Divine Transfiguration, the Realizer's body-mind is Infused and he or she Radiantly Demonstrates active Love, spontaneously Blessing all the relations of the body-mind. In the following phase of Divine Transformation, the subtle or psychic dimension of the body-mind is fully Illumined, which may result in Divine Powers of healing, longevity, and the ability to release obstacles from the world and from the lives of others. Eventually, Divine Indifference ensues, which is spontaneous and profound Resting in the "Deep" of Consciousness, and the world of relations is minimally, or not otherwise, noticed. Divine Translation is the ultimate "Event" of the entire process of Divine Awakening. IT is the Outshining of all noticing of objective conditions through the infinitely magnified Force of Consciousness Itself. Divine Translation is the Outshining of all destinies, wherein there is not return to the conditional realm. The experience of being so overwhelmed by the Divine Radiance that all appearances fade away may occur temporarily from time to time during the seventh stage of life. But when that Most Love-Blissful Swoon becomes permanent, Divine Translation occurs and the body-mind is inevitably relinquished in physical death. Then there is only Eternal Inherence in the Divine Self-Domain of unqualified Happiness and Joy.
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