TRUTH, REALITY, and GOD Truth is That Which, when "known" (or fully Realized) sets you Free. Therefore, Realize the Truth. Reality is What Is, no matter what arises or changes or passes away. Therefore, "Locate" (and Realize) Reality. To "Locate" (and Thus to "know," or fully Realize) Reality is to be set Free. Therefore, Reality is Truth, and to Realize Reality is to Realize the Truth. God is the Source (or the Source-Condition, and not merely the immediate, or otherwise remote, and active, or otherwise effective, Cause) of whatever arises, changes, or passes away. To Find (and Thus to "know," or fully Realize) God is to "know" (or Realize) What Is (or What Remains, or Abides, even as any or all conditions arise or change or pass away.) Therefore, to Find (and Thus to "know," or fully Realize) God is to "Locate" (and Thus to "know," or fully Realize) Reality. Indeed, God Is Reality. Likewise, to Find (and Thus to "know," or fully Realize) God is to be set Free (even of all bondage, all limitations, and all conditionality of existence). Therefore, to Find (and Thus to "know," or fully Realize) God is to "know" (or fully Realize) the Truth. Indeed, God Is the Truth. To "Locate" (and Realize) Reality, or to "know" (or fully Realize) the Truth, is to Find and to Realize God. Likewise, to Find (and Thus to "know," or fully Realize) God is to "Locate" (and Realize) Reality and to "know" (or fully Realize) the Truth. Indeed, to Find (and Thus to "know," or fully Realize) God is to be Liberated from all that is not God, Reality, or Truth. If Reality is "Located" (and Thus "known," or Realized), the Truth is "known" (or fully Realized), and you are (Thus and Thereby) set Free. To "Locate" Reality it is necessary to "Locate" What Is when and where any condition arises, changes, or passes away. Therefore, choose any condition, and then "Locate" the Reality (or the Condition) That Remains (or Abides) while (and even though) that (chosen) condition arises, changes, or passes away. But to "Locate" the Reality (or Self-Abiding Condition) That Remains while any particular (or chosen) condition arises, changes, or passes away, it is necessary to be (or to stand in the exact position of) that condition. Therefore, the condition chosen must be a condition with which you are identical. But what condition is yourself (identical to yourself, and not merely an object to yourself)? Only your very consciousness, your feeling-awareness (itself), or your native feeling of existence (itself), is identical and not merely objective) to yourself. Previous |