Therefore, to "Locate" Reality, and to Realize the Truth, and to be set Free, it is necessary to Find What Is as (or in the instant) your very consciousness (or self-awareness, or native feeling of existence) arises, changes, or passes away. But you cannot assume a position relative to your own consciousness (or native feeling of existence), such that your consciousness (or native feeling of existence) can be observed arising, changing, or passing away - for your consciousness (or native feeling of existence) is not an object to yourself (but it is the very subject that is yourself). However, God is necessarily the always present (and not merely past) Source (and Source-Condition) of whatever arises, changes, or passes away - even your own consciousness (or native feeling of existence) - and to Find God (or the Source of any condition that arises) is necessarily (and Thereby) to "Locate" Reality, and to Realize the Truth, and to be set Free. Therefore, to Find (or to directly "Locate") the Source (and Source-Condition) of your very consciousness, or your native feeling-awareness (itself), or your fundamental (and native) feeling of existence (itself), is (necessarily) to Find God, "Locate" Reality, Realize the Truth, and be set Free. Indeed, ultimately, the only Way to Find (and to directly "know," or fully Realize) God, and to "Locate" (and to directly "know," or fully Realize) Reality, and to directly "know" (or fully Realize) the Truth, and to be (Thus and Thereby) set Perfectly Free is the "radical" (or most direct) Process (and inherently Perfect Practice) of "Locating" (or directly Feeling and Realizing) the Source (and Source-Condition) of your very consciousness, your native feeling-awareness (itself), or your native feeling of existence (itself), for there is no other condition with which you are identical (and that is not otherwise an object to yourself, and that is not, thus, separate from your own position of direct "knowledge," or potential full Realization). Therefore, to Find God, to "Locate" Reality, to Realize the Truth, and to be set Free, you must more and more deeply feel your very consciousness (or your native and deepest feeling-awareness of existence, itself) - and, while you thus deeply (and more and more deeply) feel your native feeling of existence, you must Feel (and, via the depth of Feeling, Realize) the Source-Condition in Which the native feeling of existence is itself Existing (As Feeling, Itself). The Source-Condition of the native feeling of conscious existence Is the Very and Self-Existing and Self-Radiant and Utterly Un-qualified Feeling of Being (Itself).* To Realize the Very (or Utterly Un-qualified) Feeling of Being (Itself) is to Realize God, Reality, Truth, and Freedom, eternally prior to all conditions, all objects, all separateness, all non-Freedom, all that is not God, and all that is not Reality Itself. And when This inherently Perfect Practice (and Realization) is Itself Perfected, all conditions are (inherently and spontaneously and always) Recognized, as if they are transparent to the Very (or Utterly Un-qualified) Feeling of Being (Itself), and This (Most Ultimately) to the degree of even Most Perfect Indifference, and (at last) to the degree of the Most Perfect Outshining of conditional existence (in the inherently Perfect, Self-Existing, Self-Radiant, Love-Blissful, and necessarily Divine Self-Condition of Feeling-Being, Itself).
*The Feeling of Being is the uncaused (or Self-Existing), Self-Radiant, and unqualified feeling-intuition of the Transcendental, Inherently Spiritual, and Divine Self. This absolute Feeling does not merely accompany or express the Realization of the Heart Itself, but it is identical to that Realization. To feel, or, really, to Be, the Feeling of Being is to enjoy the Love-Bliss of Absolute Consciousness, Which, when Most Perfectly Realized, cannot be affected or diminished in any way either by the events of life or by death. Previous |