KNOW-THY-SELF As Eternal Spirit (SELF-Realization) Abide as inherently Perfect Consciousness Itself inherently transcending but not strategically excluding or seeking any or all objects, and thus tacitly Recognize all objects in and as Self-Existing and Self-Radiant (Transcendental, inherently Spiritual, and necessarily Divine) Being, Consciousness, Love-Bliss, or Happiness, until all objects are Outshined in That. Consciousness Itself, or inherent Being, is Transcendental, or Most Prior to attention in the apparent cosmic realm of conditional Nature. Transcendental Consciousness is inherently Perfect Reality, or the Source-Condition of attention, and of the presumption of separate self, and of the body-mind, and of even all of conditional Nature (including the Universal or All-Pervading and apparently Objective Energy of Which all the objects, conditions, states, or manifested individuals in the realm of conditional Nature are apparently composed). When Transcendental Consciousness, or the Native Feeling of Being (Itself), is "Awakened" as the Real SELF-condition, the Indefinable Identity (or Infinite Source-Condition) of functional attention-consciousness, then the ego-"I" or the self-contraction, or the egoically "self-possessed" body-mind, is directly and inherently transcended, and the Ultimate Condition (or the inherently Perfect Source-Condition) of conditional Nature is Revealed as the Obvious, even in all the apparent moments of spontaneous attention to the apparent conditions and relations of the apparent body-mind. Therefore, "Identification" with (Transcendental, inherently Spiritual, and necessarily Divine) Consciousness (Itself), or the Feeling of Being (Itself), is complete (tacit, uncaused, and undisturbed), simply Abide as That and allow all conditions (or all of conditional Nature) to arise or not arise in the Self-Radiance and Perfectly Subjective Space of (Self-Existing, Transcendental, inherently Spiritual, and necessarily Divine) Being (Itself), or Consciousness (Itself). As conditions arise in That "Open-Eyed"* or Self-Existing and Self-Radiant Consciousness, they are Recognized (and inherently transcended) as transparent, or merely apparent, and un-necessary, and inherently non-binding modifications of That. Abide Thus. Recognize Thus. Let actions arise spontaneously in and via the inherent (and inherently Spiritual) Love-Bliss of Self-Radiant and Self-Existing Transcendental Divine Being, until all apparent conditions and relations of the apparent body-mind are Divinely Transfigured, Divinely Transformed, and then Divinely Translated (or Outshined in the Self-Existing and Self-Radiant Transcendental, and inherently Spiritual, Divine Being, Who is the Heart, the Divine Self-condition, and the "Bright" Free Self-Domain of all conditional beings).
*The non-exclusive, non-inward, native State of the Divinely self-Realized Adept, Who is Identified Unconditionally with the Divine Realty, while also allowing whatever arises to appear in the Divine Consciousness (and spontaneously Recognizing everything that arises as only a modification of That One). The Transcendental Self is intuited in the mature phases of the advanced state of life, but It can be Realized at that stage only by the forced (or Grace-Given) exclusion of the phenomena of world, body, mind, and self. In "Open Eyes," that impulse to exclusion is unnecessary, as "the Eyes of the Heart Open" and Perfect Realization of the Spiritual, Transcendental, and Divine Self in the final stage of life becomes permanent and incorruptible by any phenomenal events. Previous |