The conventions of human life and civilization are based on the mechanical, arbitrary, and uninspected identification of Consciousness with the patterns of experience. Thus, human pursuits are, as a matter of convention and habit, directed toward self-centered elaboration of experience, self-fulfillment via experience, and strategic escape within (or from) the context of experience. Both conventional science and conventional religion are conventions of egoity in the embrace and pursuit and avoidance of experience. All conventional human pursuits are a bewildered search founded on uninspected egoic identification with experience rather than "radically" intuitive Identification with the inherent Happiness of Consciousness Itself, or Self-Existing and Self-Radiant Transcendental (and inherently Spiritual) Divine Being (Itself). Thus, either experience, or conditional Nature, or materiality, or God as the Reality that is Other than the conditional self and conditional Nature tends to be presumed and propagandized as the First, the Ultimate, the One, or the Most Important Principle - but such presumptions are simply the Ultimate Illusions or deluded Visions that are developed from the base of the ego (or Consciousness presumed to be limited and bound by experiencing). If you are Free to be Supremely Intelligent and Devoted to Truth, then the Way of the Heart becomes most direct and profound Identification with Consciousness (Itself), or the Native Feeling of Being (Itself), prior to all doubt, prior to any limitation by experience, prior to all "looking" at objects, within or without, high or low, positive or negative, and prior to any qualification (or limitation) by the root-feeling of relatedness itself. When This Identification is complete, so that It is not dependent on any act or state of attention, or mind, or emotion, or desire, or life-energy, or body, or conditional Nature itself, then all experience, or the total realm of conditional Nature and egoity, is inherently and tacitly Recognized in That (or as a transparent, or merely apparent, and un-necessary, and inherently non-binding modification of Self-Existing and Self-Radiant Transcendental and inherently Spiritual Divine Being). When This Divinely Enlightened Disposition is Awake, the Way is simply to Abide in and as That Self-Existing and Self-Radiant Condition of Being (Itself), inherently Transcending all conditions - but Recognizing and allowing them, rather than resisting and excluding them. And the inevitable persistence in This Self-Existing and Self-Radiant Identity and This Native and spontaneous Recognition Divinely Transfigures, Divinely Transforms, and (Most Ultimately, and at last) Divinely Outshines the body-mind and all conditional worlds. In the meantime, there is simple Self-Abiding, in and as the Self-Existing and Self-Radiant Love-Bliss of Transcendental (and inherently Spiritual) Divine Being - and such Self-Abiding spontaneously expresses Itself as Radiance, Happiness, Love, Blessing, and Help in all relations. Previous |