EGO-I The Ultimate Wisdom inherently Understands, Transcends, and Stands Free of the life-drama. Happiness, Transcendental (and inherently Spiritual) Divine Consciousness (Itself), or Being (Itself), inherently Transcends the confrontation between the ego and conditional Nature. Every ego-"I," or egoically "self-possessed" body-mind, is involved in a passionate and mortal struggle with the Force and the forces and the parts of conditional Nature. Every ego-"I," is active as the opponent of all opponents, but there is no Final Victory - and every opposition is an irrational (or fruitless) search for Equanimity, Peace, and Love. Every ego-"I" always tends to desire and seek an ego-made refuge from irrational opponents. That strategy of self-preservation is entertained in temporary pleasures and solitary places, but it is not finally attained. Only the ego-"I," the separate and separative body-mind, is opposed and opposing - and every opposition is an irrational (or fruitless) search for Freedom. The ego-"I" is inherently, always, and irrationally (or meaninglessly) opposed. The "other" is always an opponent (in effect, if not by intention). The ego-"I" is confronted only by binding forces, and it is itself a force that is tending to bind every "other". The "other" and the ego-"I" are mad relations, always together in the growling pit, bound by conditional Nature to do such Nature's deeds to one another. And as experience increases, it begins to become clear that conditional Nature itself is an Immense Pattern that always seeks and inevitably attains superiority, dominance, and destruction of every conditional part and every conditional self. Therefore, the Great "Other" - whether "It" is called Nature or Nature's God - is your Opponent, not your Refuge. And the very perception and conception of "Difference" (or "Otherness") is the Sign that the ego-"I," rather than Truth, is the presumed Basis of apparent (or conditional) existence. Truth is Most Prior or Eternal Freedom and Love, whether or not the "Other" (or the Opponent) seems to be present. Therefore, Truth is the only Perfect Refuge. And if you surrender to the Truth, Which is Transcendental (and inherently Spiritual, and necessarily Divine) Being (Itself), Consciousness (Itself), or inherent Happiness (Itself), the Ultimate (and Perfectly Subjective) Source of the conditional self and all that is objective to it, then there is an Awakening from this nightmare of condemned life and its passionate search for pleasure, strategic escape, Final Victory, and Freedom Itself. When the response or Awakening to Truth is Real, then the frightened and self-bound motive toward the world (and the inevitable round of pleasures, confrontations, doubts, searches, and always temporary releases) begins to fall away. The mortal self becomes simpler in action, more Free of habitual reactions to insult and frustration of purpose, more humorous in the face of conditional Nature and all the fools of conditional Nature, more compassionate, and inclined to selfless (or sorrowless) Love. The ego-"I" that is Awakening beyond itself is inclined to set others Free of itself, rather than to bind them to itself, or to themselves, or to one another. The ego-"I" that is nearly dissolved is more often solitary, more deeply renounced, without cares or motivations or doubts or angry despair of conditional self or conditional others. At last, when the self-contraction is (by inherently Most Perfect Practice) Most Perfectly surrendered, forgotten, and transcended in its Most Prior Condition (of Transcendental, and inherently Spiritual, Divine Being), all of this arising of body-mind and world is Recognized to be an unnecessary and superficial dream, a stressful inclination that is, suddenly, Outshined in the Most Prior and Self-Radiant Happiness of Divine Self-Existence. Previous |