The usable Lesson of a difficult life proves that you must (thoroughly) observe, (most fundamentally) Understand, and (Most Perfectly) transcend your own conditional personality and destiny. Every individual is only seeking not to be destroyed. Therefore, Understand and become more tolerant of others. Cease to struggle with others and yourself. Do not become bound up in the usual search for dominance, consolation, pleasure, and release. There is neither Final Release nor Ultimate Happiness in the objective or the subjective realms of merely conditional existence. Observe and Understand the theatre of "I." Learn to be Free of the reactivity and seeking that characterize the conditional self-principle (which is only the self-contracting body-mind in confrontation with the apparent realm of conditional Nature). Thus, allow functional energy and attention to be Free of the motive toward the body-mind and its relations. Let functional energy and attention be Free instead to transcend this world-theatre and to Abide in the Transcendental (inherently Spiritual and necessarily Divine) SELF-Domain That is at the Origin of conditional self-consciousness. Then, if the body-mind and all of conditional Nature arise, see all of it from the Original Position of Transcendental (and inherently Spiritual) Divine SELF-Consciousness. See that conditional self and conditional Nature are a transparent, or merely apparent, and un-necessary, and inherently non-binding modification of the SELF-Radiance or Free Energy of Consciousness (Itself), or Being (Itself). -End "For those who happen to grasp philosophy correctly risk being unrecognized by others, because it is nothing else but PRACTICING* how to die and be dead. So if this is true, it would be absurd to want during all of life nothing but this, and when it comes, to be troubled by it, which for a long time they were wanting and practicing." -Socrates Is it possible, while living, to die - which means coming to an end, being as nothing? Is it possible, while living in this world where everything is becoming more and more or becoming less and less, where everything is a process of climbing, achieving, succeeding, is it possible, in such a world, to know death? Is it possible to end all memories - not the memory of facts: the way to your house and so on, but the inward attachment through memory to psychological security, the memories that one has accumulated, stored up, and in which one seeks security, happiness? Is it possible to put an end to all that - which means dying every day so that there may be a renewal to-morrow? It is only then that one knows death while living. Only in that dying, in that coming to an end, putting an end to continuity, is there renewal, that creation which is eternal. -KrishnamurtiReality is Not What You Think No event is, in and of itself, TRUTH or REALITY. Everything that arises is an appearance to Consciousness Itself, a modification of the Conscious Light That Is Always Already the Case. All of this is a dream, if you like. It is an appearance in Consciousness Itself. Truth is Very Consciousness Itself. Truth is to all of this what the waking state is to the dreaming state. If you awaken, you need not do anything about the condition you may have suffered or enjoyed in the dream state. What happened within the dream is suddenly not your present condition. It is of no consequence any longer, once you are awake. If you persist in dreaming - and your point of view remains that of the dreamer and the dreamer's role within the dream - then your possible actions are numberless. But none of them will work to awaken you. They will simply occupy you in the dream. They will modify the dream state - but no action in the dream is the equivalent of waking. There is simply forms of fascination, of occupation, of seeking - until you awaken. The dream does not have to be changed in any manner for the waking person to feel that he or she is awake. Nothing has to happen to the dream. Only waking is necessary. To one who is awake, the dream is obvious. There is no illusion, no suffering, no implication, regardless of what appeared in the dream - a blue god, a dirty old drunk, the gorilla of death. It makes no difference. It makes a difference within the circumstances of the dream, to those who are dreaming. But to the one who is awake (SELF-REALIZATION), it no longer makes any difference. When you ask a question from a "point of view," you are already presuming yourself to be Previous |