that mental or spiritual or material consciousness. It has been given the entity as to much which or unto which it may attain; as each entity bears an influence into and unto the Whole, and is influenced by same according to the will and purpose of the entity in the individual or the moment's expression. For the choices are continually being made by the body, the mind, upon those things that are within themselves taken within the consciousness, the awareness of the entity. Not that there are not other influences also that are aware only to the higher portion of the mental and spiritual self. For in the body few are aware of even the heartbeat, the fact of assimilation, the fact of distribution, the fact of building or of degeneration. In the purpose then or premise; it is that: Mind is the Builder, being both spiritual and material; and the consciousness of same reaches many only in his awareness of his consciousness through the senses of his physical being. Then indeed do the senses taken on an activity in which they may be directed in that awareness; that consciousness of the spiritual self as well as in the physical indulgences or appetites or activities that become as a portion of the selfish nature of the individual or entity. It behooves the entity first in its premise then to know, to conceive, to imagine, to become aware of that which is its ideal . . . These mediated upon then, these kept in the ways that ye know. It is not then that ye know as a physical consciousness, but that ye apply of good, of that which is of God, that makes ye know that consciousness of His walks with thee. For thy physical self may only see the reflection of good, while thy spiritual self may be that good in the activities of thy fellow man in such measures that ye bring – what? Ever, ever, the fruits of the Spirit in their awareness; long-suffering, brotherly love, patience, kindness, gentleness, hope and faith! If ye, in thy activities in any manner with thy fellow man destroy these in the minds, in the hearts of thy fellow man, ye are not only slipping but ye have taken hold on the path of destruction. Then so live, so act, so think that others seeing thy good works, thy hopes that ye bring, thy faith that ye manifest, thy patience that ye show, may also glorify Him. For that cause, for that purpose ye entered into the materiality in the present. To what, ye ask, may ye attain – and how may ye attain same? That is only limited by thyself. For He, the Father-God, loveth all alike; but that ye find within thy mind, thy body, that would offend, pluck it away! For thy will as one with His may do all these things in His name! Then, to what heights may ye attain? That height to which thy consciousness is ever clear before the throne of thy awareness with Him; which is to know the glory of the Father through thy dealings with thy fellow man; which is to know – no sin, no sorrow, no disappointments in Him. Oft is He disappointed in thee, but if thou dost bring such into the minds, the hearts, the lives of others, what is thy reflection but these same experiences? But to love good, to flee from evil, to bring the awareness of the God-Consciousness into the minds and hearts of others is thy purpose in this experience. Each soul in entering an earth's experience does so through the graciousness, the mercy of the living Father, that the soul may become such that it may be in that association, that relation to the Creative Forces or the Father which was, is, the will of the Father in bringing such into consciousness in the first or beginning. In entering then, each soul enters with the influences both latent and manifested that have been apart of the experience of the entity. This to be sure includes then relationships with others. Then what is the purpose of each soul entering a material manifestation? That it may be a witness-bearer for and unto the glory of the Father which has been manifested through the Son, even Jesus; in making then those activities through and in which such may be the purpose, the desire of the individual entity. It is not then that there may be the satisfying of the mental or material body, or mind. It is not to the indulgences of, nor to the glory of self alone, but that – through the very activities of the body and mind – the fruits of the spirit of truth may be manifested in the material experience. These truths, these experiences, only find expression in relationships with others. Just as He hath given, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least, of these, thy brethren, ye have done it unto me – inasmuch as ye did not these things unto thy brethren, ye did them not unto me." Hence in the relationships, the meetings with others in whatever form or manner, such as not coincidental but are rather as purposeful experiences. Then there must be the filling of the purpose, if there will be the glorifying of His love, His truths, His presence, by that done to and through the activities with the fellow man – whoever, wherever such may be; in such a way and manner that His glory is made manifest in thy dealings with thy fellow man. Previous |