Look then into thine own heart, thine own mind. See thyself, as it were, pass by. What is thy desire? What is thy purpose? What – and who – is thy ideal? The analysis of such can only be drawn by self. And use as the measuring stick of thyself those truths, those purposes. What gave He as the whole law? To love thy God with all thy mind, thy body, thy purpose; and thy neighbor as thyself! This is the whole law. And the manner of execution of same is in that as He gave, "As ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them." These are the principles, these are the basic truths upon which joy, peace and understanding may be thine; and thy life, thy activities, thy associations with others will ever be beautiful, peaceful, harmonious. And as ye do these, ye will find more and more the glory of His presence abiding with thee day by day! This does not preclude that ye have joy, but that ye have joy and have life and have it more abundantly – and not in a manner that ye have or do become or may become subject to those things which would bind or hinder thee in thy thought, thy purpose, thy activity. Let thy prayer, thy meditation then be – as ye choose this day whom ye will serve whether the fleshpots of thine own carnal self or the duties, the joys, the harmonies of Him who has given, "Come unto me, ye that are disturbed or heavy-laden – take my purpose, my yoke – learn of me, and ye shall find rest unto thy mental, thy material, thy spiritual self." "Let my life be so filled with the desire to be a channel of blessings to others that it may show forth the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings." -E. Cayce, A.R.E.The Hua Hu Ching #77 States: I wonder whether, in future generations during the time of confusion, such high instruction can benefit the general public? Will it be powerful enough to lead the sleeping individuals out of darkness? Kind prince, a time of confusion will arise in the future which will grow progressively worse. Human society will be pervaded with all kinds of slavery. Slavery will exist in all human relationships, but under different names and systems. If an individual is not the slave to his society, he will be the slave of his family. If he is not the slave of his ambition, he will be the slave of his emotions. If he is not the slave of his desire, he will be the slave of his ego. The forms of slavery are multiform, and may include the slavery to money, to a life of luxury, to social position, to religion, to an ideology, to the things one craves, to one's destiny, to one's biological drives, and to psychological excuses. The "absolute way" will be available in all times and places as the way to transcend one's own duality. There will be leaders during the era of awakening of humanity's divine nature who will guide people out of darkness through a vast social renaissance. But the foundation of the great awakening of humankind must be built on individual self-emancipation and self-cultivation. People create all kinds of complicated situations and become stuck in their concepts and false images. They even become proud of being stuck and try to make other people follow them. Thus, there will be many slaves following other slaves, all living in terrible darkness. (Jesus taught the same thing in Matthew 15:14 when he said, "Let them alone; they are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.") People who restore their true inner nature become people of balance, integration and harmony. They become models of universal beings whose virtue is complete and impartial. When a person becomes completely emancipated (enlightened, Satori, Nirvana, Samadhi, self realized, etc.) what is left is his pure inner nature. Then a person can spontaneously release his energy in daily life, and his every movement is connected with the entire universe. He, or she, is thus regarded as a true person. A true person is a living divinity. (Guru, spiritual teacher, master, etc.). He is not only above his mind and thoughts; he is above the laws of nature. He, or she, actually becomes one with the universe. This is no mere philosophical notion. It is a living truth. A true person is so simple that he/she cannot be distinguished from other people. Yet he/she can be recognized by those who have developed their spiritual eyes. -Hua Hu Ching, Chap. 77Jesus said the same thing in Mark 9:1, verily I say unto you, that there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God (also called at-onement, Satori, Nirvana, Samadhi, baptized, self realized, etc., etc.) come to power. 130.4www.guardiantext.org Previous |