However, this intrinsic limitation of the “knower” (or the alternately space-bound and time-bound, or alternately physically-bound and mind-bound, “point of view”) is not an intrinsic limitation of Reality Itself—Which, Intrinsically, Is Always Already Perfectly and Simultaneously Coincident with (and Perfectly and Transcenden-tally, or limitlessly and egolessly, Identical to) all of space and all of time. The implications of this understanding are that the “uncertainty principle” is based on a correct observation of (alternately) spatially and temporally limited “point of view” and of (alternately) spatially and temporally limited “point-of-view”-based “knowledge”—but it is not a correct basis for understanding Reality Itself (Which Is Intrinsically Free of “point of view”, or “knowledge”-limitation, or separate “self”-identity and perspectival illusion with reference to Itself). Reality Itself Intrinsically, Always Priorly, Necessarily, and Perfectly Transcends any and every space-time-“located” (and, thus, space-time-bound) “point of view” and all space-time-limited “point-of-view”-based “knowledge”. There are, intrinsically, an infinite number of possible “locations” for “point of view” in space or time. Each and every “point of view” is an alternative possibility of factual measure. Each and every “point of view” is irreducibly “self”-identical, and non-identical to any other “point of view”. Each and every “point of view” is a limitation—intrinsically incapable of “knowing” the totality of universe. There-fore, each and every “point of view” suffers from intrinsic uncertainty relative to the exact and comprehensive and instant measuring of its context of space and time. Indeed, each and every “point of view” is, itself, a discrete and unique force and possibility of measurement—and, thus, each and every “point of view” conditions, limits, and (by and with reference to itself) “causes” the spatial and temporal characteristics of every “particle”-event (or space-time-event) it happens to observe. The probability/possibility paradoxes of space-time measurement and the analytically invented presumptions about multiple and parallel (and intrinsically non-observable) universes that characterize modern scientific theorizing all arise on the basis (and as a consequence) of “point of view”— alternately “self-located” in either space or time, and intrinsically incapable of simultaneously measuring both the spatial and the temporal characteristics of any “particle”-event, and intrinsically incapable of measuring the simultaneous totality of the event of universe, and intrinsically incapable of measuring (or, by any conditional means, “knowing”) The Self-Nature, The Self-Condition, and The Self-State of Reality Itself. The probability/possibility paradoxes of space-time measurement and the analytically invented presumptions about multiple and parallel (and intrinsically non-observable) universes that characterize modern scientific theorizing pertain to the intrinsically limited (and ego-bound) domain of very human “knowledge”—but The Domain of Reality Itself Exceeds all such understandings. Indeed, Reality Itself Is Beyond and Prior to all measuring by “point of view” in space and time— and, therefore, the scientific “knowledge” of the “known” universe (or universes) of psycho-physical attention is not A Reality-Picture of Reality Itself. Reality Itself must be understood to Be (Itself) not based upon the “uncertainty principle” (and, thus, “knowable” only in terms of paradoxical measurements)—but Reality Itself must be understood to Be (Itself) The Principle of Absolute Non-“knowability” (or of Only Intrinsic Self-Apprehension, or “Perfect Knowledge”, Always Already Prior to “point of view”, or space-time-“located” attention, or the psycho-physically-based and only conventionally “knowing” ego-“I”). Reality Itself Is Certainly Not “knowable”. Conventional (or “point-of-view”-based) “knowledge” (or all “knowledge” presumed or attained on the basis of “space-time-located point of view” and its naive realism relative to what is perceived and/or thought) is, certainly, always and inherently based on fundamental uncertainty—or paradox only. Previous |