There is no separate, independent, quantifiable, "knowable", "experienceable", or (altogether) actual "individual self". A "point of view" (or "locus") in space-time may suggest the fiction of a separate "individual self" in the apparent context of a functioning psycho-physical organism- but that suggested "self" is, nonetheless, entirely illusory, and a mere fiction, or a mere convention of psycho-physical exchanges between psychophysically "located" organisms (or "points of view"). There are an infinite number of space-time "locations" (or "points of view") relative to which a separate "self" may be psycho-physically presumed-but no space-time "location" is separate from any and all "other" such "locations", and space-time itself is an auto-"located", and auto-unified, and auto-organizing totality that is inherently seamless, and indivisible, and not reducible to (or as) any "location" (or "point of view") within the whole. The conventionally presumed separate "individual self" (or ego-"I") is not reducible to a gross physical body, or to a gross physical brain, or to any presumed mode or state of mind or psyche-because there is (in Reality Itself, and in the totality of space-time) no separate "individual self" at all. The reductionist presumptions of "rationalism" and "scientism" (or "scientific materialism") are, relative to the concept of separate "self", inherently and selfevidently false. That which is non-existing (or illusory) is not reducible to what is gross, or physical, or material. All illusory presumptions are mere ideas-and they cannot, otherwise, be (justifiably) either reduced or enlarged into non-mental categories of definition. The conventionally presumed separate "individual self" is merely an "objectified" idea. The mere "objectified" idea of separate "individual self" cannot (justifiably) be reduced to what is physical (or gross, or material)-and, likewise, the mere "objectified" idea of separate "self" cannot (justifiably) be enlarged into a metaphysical category of existence (as a separate "soul", or "spirit", or "psyche"). There is no individual separate "self"-and, therefore, "it" (as such) is (as a category of mere ideas) not reducible to what is physical and not enlargeable to what is metaphysical. The metaphysical presumptions of "religion", and (otherwise) of metaphysical "philosophy", are, relative to the concept of an individual separate "self", inherently and selfevidently false. There is no individual  separate "self"-except as a mere idea (or a fiction, or an illusion) that, without intensive inspection, seems to be suggested by a "point of view" (or "locus") in the apparent context of a functioning psycho-physical organism. There Is Only Reality Itself-Inherently Prior to all particularity, and Perfectly (and Acausally) Inclusive of the all-and-All of totality. Reality Itself Is Non-separate, One, and Indivisible. Therefore, there is no separate individual "self", no individual separate "body", no separate "brain", no separate "mind", no separate "idea", no separate "object", no separate "other", no separate "universe", no separate "cause", no separate "effect", and no separate "God". Previous |