Whenever a "separate" (or "objectified") category of existence is proposed or presumed, it (immediately and inherently) is, at its "root" of implications, a "problem"-which, thereafter, functions as a "cause" of the search for a "solution". Whenever a "cause" is proposed or presumed, an "effect" is (simultaneously and coincidently) sought or presumed. The traditions of Buddhism are, essentially, a search based on the presumed "problem" of "cause" (or "causation"). The traditions of Buddhism, in general, seek to "solve" the "problem" of "cause" (or "causation"), by (first) pacifying the actions or psycho-physical processes that are presumed to "cause" negative "effects", and (ultimately) by absolutely pacifying (or finally ceasing) all "causation" of "effects". Whenever a separate "self" (or "self-subject") is proposed or presumed, an "object" is (simultaneously and coincidently) sought or presumed. The traditions of Advaitism are, essentially, a search based on the presumed "problem" of separate individual"self" (or the "self-subject"). The traditions of Advaitism, in general, seek to "solve" the "problem" of separate "self" and "its" bondage to "objects", by means of the effort of dissociatively introversive identification with The Intrinsic (and Intrinsically egoless, or Inherently Non-separate) Self-Status of the otherwise presumed separate individual "self", to the exclusion of all identification with (and all motivation toward, and all bondage to) "objects". The traditions of "rationalism" (including "scientism", or "scientific materialism"), in general, propose and presume "cause" (or "causation"), "effect", separate individualized "self", and "objects" (or "objective" everything) as fundamental categories of a search for "knowledge"-which "knowledge" is (thereupon) understood and exploited as the power to control "cause" (or "causation"), "effect", separate individual "self", and "objects" (or "objective" everything). The traditions of "religion", in general, propose and presume "cause" (or "causation"), "effect", separate individual "self", and "objects" (or "objective" everything) as fundamental categories of a search for "God"-which "God" is (upon the incident of "belief") understood and exploited as the "Ultimate Power" to "cause" (and to control) "causation" itself and (thus and thereby) all "causes", all "effects", all separate "selves", and all "objects" (or all of "objective" everything). Nevertheless, there is (inherently, always Priorly, or Always Already) no separate "cause" (or independent "causation", or independent "causative power"), no separate "effects", no separate indivual "self", and no separate "objects" (or separate "objective" everything, or separate "objective" anything at all). Therefore, all "problems" are illusory (or mere ideas), and all seeking is unnecessary (or provoked by mere ideas), and all presumed "solutions" are non-Ultimate (or never final, and never finally satisfactory). 151.2www.guardiantext.org Previous |