All mere ideas can (and should, and, indeed, must)-in every moment (and moment to moment)-be tacitly, "radically" (or "at the root"), and Perfectly Transcended in The Tacit, Direct Self-Apprehension of The Intrinsically egoless, and Absolutely Indivisible, and Perfectly Non-separate Self-Nature, Self-Condition, and Self-State of Reality Itself. In every moment of Tacit, Direct Self-Apprehension of The Intrinsically egoless Self-Nature, Self-Condition, and Self-State of Reality Itself, What Is- and, altogether, whatever is apparently "experienced", or whatever is apparently "known", or whatever is apparent as "experience" or "knowledge"-Is Self- Evident As "Perfect Knowledge" Only. In every moment of "Perfect Knowledge", Only Reality Itself Is "Known"-or Is Intrinsically Self-Evident, As "It" Is. Reality Itself-Self-Evident As Intrinsic "Perfect Knowledge"-Is (Self-Evidently, and Inherently, and Always Priorly, or Always Already) One, Indivisible, Not-separate, egoless (or Not-of-separate-"self"), Not-conditional, Not-begun, Not-ended, Not-born, Not-dead, Not-dying, Not-changing, Not-bound, Notseeking, Not-"caused", Not-"causing", Not-an-"effect", Not-an-"object", Not- "objective", Not-"subjective" (or Only Perfectly Subjective, and Always Perfectly Not-"different"), Perfectly Acausally Self-Existing and Self-Radiant, Inherently (or Always Already, and Perfectly) Free, Altogether and Intrinsically (and Self- Evidently) Perfect, and Perfectly Absolute As "It" Is.( Reality, IS Consciousness as energy with SELF awareness at it" IS" - Pure Eternal Self Awareness -Love) ) Reality Itself Is (Self-Evidently) As Thus. Thus (and As Thus), Reality Itself Is The Necessary First Principle (and The One and Altogether Necessary Basis) of Right, True, and Inherently Perfect Philosophy. Reality Itself Is (As Itself) The One and Only Right, True, and Inherently Perfect Philosophy (or Priorly egoless and Intrinsically searchless Way of Life). The Perfect Philosophy and egoless (and searchless) Way of Life That Is Reality Itself Is The Reality-Intrinsic (or Always Already Self-Evident) Pre-Disposition and "Radical" (or Always "At-The-Root") Practice of No-ideas. The Inherently Perfect Philosophy Is The Pre-"rational" (and, Thus, Post- "scientific"), and Pre-"religious" (and, Thus, Non-"religious", but, Also, Inherently and Transcendentally Spiritual), and Self-Evidently Divine (or Universally all-and-All-Pervading, and Intrinsically all-and-All-Liberating, and Perfectly alland- All-Illuminating), and Perfectly searchless (or Always Already egolessly Self-Perfected) Way of Life. Previous |