As is oft expressed, the spirit is willing, the motivating force of a soul-entity is willing, but the body, ego, mind, the impelling force to or through which consciousness arises and makes the entity aware through the emotions of mind and body, has its lesson to gain. The law is perfect. Study to show thyself approved unto an ideal. Have ye an ideal – spiritual, mental, material? Do ye keep the faith as ye profess in thy knowledge? Knowledge without works is sin. Sin lieth at thy door if ye fail to keep the faith. These questions may be answered only in self. No one made anyone a judge! Thy higher, thy soul self is ever the judge. And thy angel – as everyone's angel, or the shadow of that it is possible for thee to be – stands before the throne, ever, to make intercession – through Him who hath shown the way. What manner of consideration and activity have ye given? Only such a case may be presented for that judgment. The spirit is willing, the flesh is weak; the mind is oft zealous, jealous, faithless. Study to show thyself approved unto God; not to man, nor to an individual. Do right, not as in thine own sight but as in the sight of the law of God, the soul – that seeks its union with, that awareness of its oneness with, the Creative Force (God). Selfishness is the besetting sin of man. Tolerance, faith, patience – these be expressions that may make for the happiness that all are crying for. Yet so few are willing to pay the price for same – which is tolerance, patience, and selflessness in the expressions to its associates, its fellow man, its activities in the earth. . . . being afraid is the first consciousness of sin's entering in, for he that is made afraid has lost consciousness of self's own heritage with the Son; for we are heirs through Him to that Kingdom that is beyond all of that that would make afraid, or that would cause a doubt in the heart of any. Through the recesses of the heart, then, search out that that would make afraid, casting out fear, and He alone may guide. -End of Statement -E. Cayce A.R.E.The Greek character of "Narcissus" represents the false self or self created psychological egoic state of mind and mentality which is separate from God realization. When the inner and eternal true self mistakenly identifies itself to the limited physical human body and brain (a divine animal) it loses cosmic intelligence, insight and understanding. In this mistaken or "wrong" state (Socrates), the now limited self can only "know" life by sensory input and the formation of "concepts" by the physical brain (a simple self programming computer). Sin, to miss the mark, to not understand which mental condition to exist in while living in the physical earth plane (creation). "God does not abandon people; it is people who abandon God." - Hua Ching Ni (Teacher) Sin is when the individualized spirit or soul, becomes involved with the physical body and IDENTIFIES itself WITH the body instead of remaining as the inner true SELF, which is in the body but not as the body. Previous |