Sin is the shift of consciousness from the true inner spiritual world to the outer physical world and then forgetting that you are spirit. Meditation removes sin. Therefore meditation is the practice of SELF SALVATION. When one returns to one's original spiritual state, one is called a Christ (Son of God) this returning, or Christ state is what saves one, this is the real meaning of Christ is the savior. (As Jesus taught). "No man does WRONG knowingly" -Socrates. In the previous sentence, the word "wrong" is meant to signify the condition of sin. There is only one sin; it is also the original sin. Sin means to "miss the mark" or "rebellion." To miss the mark, or make the error in judgement occurs when the true inner, or eternal SELF becomes so identified with the physical body that it loses its universal SELF awareness. The self (soul) assumes that the body and sensory input are the only way to acquire knowledge. What Socrates is actually saying is that sin, or complete identification with the physical body and brain is the "WRONG" condition to experience life from. No man who has found spiritual self realization, by becoming unidentified with the physical body, does knowingly or willingly relinquish his superior divine and eternal state in order to return to the inferior, or "WRONG" state to respond to life. Previous |