The rejuvenating effects of sleep are due to man's temporary unawareness of body and breathing. The sleeping man becomes a "yogi;" each night he unconsciously performs the yogic rite of releasing himself from bodily identification, and of merging the life force with healing currents in the main brain region and in the six sub dynamos of his spinal centers. Unknowingly, the sleeper is thus recharged by the cosmic energy that sustains all life. -Yogananda"A house divided" (unenlightened, non-at-onement with God) cannot stand," very long. Death and indeed sleep, the small death, are a mortal necessity, freeing the unenlightened human being temporarily from sense trammels. As man's essential nature is spirit, he receives in sleep and in death certain revivifying reminders of his incorporeity. -YoganandaWhy am I so dependent upon sleep, and what do I do during my physical sleep? E.CAYCE States: Sleep is a sense, as we have given heretofore; and is that needed for the physical body to recuperate, or to draw from the mental and spiritual powers or forces that are held as the ideals of the body. Don't think that the body is a haphazard machine, or that the things which happen to individuals are chance! It is all a law! Then, what happens to a body in sleep? Dependence upon what it has thought, what it has set as its ideal! For, when one considers, one may find these as facts! There are individuals who in their sleep gain strength, power, might – because of their thoughts, their manner of living. There are others who find that when any harm, any illness, any dejection comes to them, it is following sleep! It is again following a law! What happens to this body? Dependent upon the manner it has applied itself during those periods of its waking state. Take time to sleep! It is the exercising of a faculty, a condition that is meant to be a part of the experience of each soul. It is as but the shadow of life, or lives, or experiences (in the earth), as each day of an experience is a part of the whole that is being built by an entity, a soul. And each night is as but a period of putting away, storing up into the super conscious or the unconsciousness of the soul itself. -End of Previous |