The conditionally apparent “universe” becomes “objectively” apparent—or perceived as “objects”— only from “point of view”, in “space” and “time”. Therefore, apart from “point of view”, the “universe” Is A Non-apparent, Non-“objective”, and Perfectly Indivisible Singularity. What Is The Intrinsic Nature, Condition, State, and Status of the Inherently Non-“objective” (or As-“It”-Is) “universe”? The conditionally apparent “universe” becomes “apparent” only when “experienced” as “object” (or “objects”) from a “point of view” in “space” and “time”. Apart from “point of view”, the “universe” is neither “object”, nor “apparent”, nor of the nature of “space” and “time”. Therefore,What Is The Intrinsic Nature, Condition, State, and Status of the “universe”—apart from “point of view”and “appearance”? The “universe”—As “It” Is—does not (by any logical necessity) cease to exist (or require the presumption that “It” has ceased to exist, or, otherwise, does not exist) simply because “It” is not perceived. There is no logical necessity to presume that the “universe” becomes existent (or is “caused”) only because and by means of the “act” of perception (or, altogether, only in the context of “point of view”). However, it is (logically) self-evidently the case that the “universe”—As “It” Is—is not an “objective” anything at all. The “universe” (As “It” Is) Is an inherently non-perceptible (and not-perceived) and non-conceivable (and not-conceived) “Happening” In, Of, and As Reality Itself—or In, Of, and As That Self- Nature, Self-Condition, Self-State, and Self-Status That Is The Intrinsic Self-Nature, Self-Condition, Self-State, and Self-Status of all-and-All. Therefore, all discourse about the “objectively apparent universe” is (necessarily) discourse from “point of view” and relative to the “experiencing” of “appearances”—and, thus, relative to the presumption of perceptible and/or conceivable “spacetime” categories. The “universe”—As “It” Is—is neither “known” nor “knowable” from any “point of view”. The “universe”—As “It” Is—is (paradoxically) “experienceable” but (inherently) not “knowable”. The categories of “space” and of “time” are the conceptual categories and the direct extensions (or “self”-reflections) of “point of view”—and, as such, the categories of “space” and of “time” do not (and cannot) apply to the “universe” As “It” Is. The “universe”—As “It” Is—Is Perfectly Prior to “point of view”, “space-time”, conditional (or psycho-physical) “experience”, perceptual and conceptual “objectification”, and any and all kinds of “point-of-view”-based “knowledge”. The “universe”—As “It” Is—is not an “object”, and not a totality of “objects”. The “universe”—As “It” Is—Is Only ThatWhich Is. The “universe”—As “It” Is—Is Only ThatWhich Is Self-Existing, Self-Radiant, and Always Already The Case. The “universe”—As “It” Is—Is Only The Intrinsic Self-Nature, Self-Condition, Self-State, and Self-Status of Reality Itself. The “universe”—As “It” Is—Is Irreducibly Non-“objective” and Non-apparent, and, therefore, “It” Is Intrinsically egoless, Non-separate, Non-conditional, Acausal, Perfectly Indivisible, and Absolutely Self-Contained (or Intrinsically Free of any references to any categories of existence outside or apart from “Itself”). The “universe”—As “It” Is—is not (and cannot be) the “objective subject” of descriptive discourse, but “It” Is Only The “Subject” (or Intrinsically Self-Evident Self-Nature, Self-Condition, Self-State, and Self-Status) of Tacit, Direct Self-Realization and Self-Recognition (or Intrinsic, and, Thus, Perfect, Self-“Knowledge”). Therefore, Only Intrinsic (and, Thus, Perfect) Self-“Knowledge”—or “Perfect Knowledge” of The Intrinsically egoless Self-Nature, Self-Condition, Self-State, and Self-Status of “Self” As Reality Itself—Intrinsically Self-Recognizes The Self-Nature, Self-Condition, Self-State, and Self-Status of the “universe” As The Intrinsically Non-“objective” (and Self-Existing, and Self-Radiant, and Self- Evidently Perfect) Self-Nature, Self-Condition, Self-State, and Self-Status of Reality Itself. See also: Quantum Physics, Reality and Present-Time. Previous |