Pre-scientific Thought.--Now, what is the meaning of the concept "space" which we also encounter in pre-scientific thought? The concept of space in pre-scientific thought is characterised by the sentence: "we can think away things but not the space which they occupy." It is as if, without having had experience of any sort, we had a concept, nay even a presentation, of space and as if we ordered our sense-experiences with the help of this concept, present a priori. On the other hand, space appears as a physical reality, as a thing which exists independently of our thought, like material objects. Under the influence of this view of space the fundamental concepts of geometry: the point, the straight line, the plane, were even regarded as having a self-evident character. The fundamental principles that deal with these configurations were regarded as being necessarily valid and as having at the same time an objective content. No scruples were felt about ascribing an objective meaning to such statements as "three empirically given bodies (practically infinitely small) lie on one straight line," without demanding a physical definition for such an assertion. This blind faith in evidence and in the immediately real meaning of the concepts and propositions of geometry became uncertain only after non-Euclidean geometry had been introduced. Reference to the Earth.--If we start from the view that all spatial concepts are related to contact-experiences of solid bodies, it is easy to understand how the concept "space" originated, namely, how a thing independent of bodies and yet embodying their position-possibilities (Lagerungsmöglichkeiten) was posited. If we have a system of bodies in contact and at rest relatively to one another, some can be replaced by others. This property of allowing substitution is interpreted as "available space." Space denotes the property in virtue of which rigid bodies can occupy different positions. The view that space is something with a unity of its own is perhaps due to the circumstance that in pre-scientific thought all positions of bodies were referred to one body (reference body), namely the earth. In scientific thought the earth is represented by the co-ordinate system. The assertion that it would be possible to place an unlimited number of bodies next to one another denotes that space is infinite. In pre-scientific thought the concepts "space" and "time" and "body of reference" are scarcely differentiated at all. A place or point in space is always taken to mean a material point on a body of reference. Euclidean Geometry.--If we consider Euclidean geometry we clearly discern that it refers to the laws regulating the positions of rigid bodies. It turns to account the ingenious thought of tracing back all relations concerning bodies and their relative positions to the very simple concept "distance" (Strecke). Distance denotes a rigid body on which two material points (marks) have been specified. The concept of the equality of distances (and angles) refers to experiments involving coincidences; the same remarks apply to the theorems on congruence. Now, Euclidean geometry, in the form in which it has been handed down to us from Euclid, uses the fundamental concepts "straight line" and "plane" which do not appear to correspond, or at any rate, not so directly, with experiences concerning the position of rigid bodies. On this it must be remarked that the concept of the straight line may be reduced to that of the distance.* Moreover, geometricians were less concerned with bringing out the relation of their fundamental concepts to experience than with deducing logically the geometrical propositions from a few axioms enunciated at the outset. Let us outline briefly how perhaps the basis of Euclidean geometry may be gained from the concept of distance. We start from the equality of distances (axiom of the equality of distances). Suppose that of two unequal distances one is always greater than the other. The same axioms are to hold for the inequality of distances as hold for the inequality of numbers.
*A hint of this is contained in the theorem: "the straight line is the shortest connection between two points." This theorem served well as a definition of the straight line, although the definition played no part in the logical texture of the deductions. Previous |