Secular Science, Conventional God-Religion, and The Non-Objective Self-Revelation of Reality, Truth, and Real God Conventional (or merely exoteric) God-religion is, fundamentally, not about God-but it is about Man. And, most fundamentally, conventional (or merely exoteric) God-religion is not about Real-God-Realization (or the Real-"Knowing" of Real God), but it is about the egoic dilemma of Man, and the search to preserve human psycho-physical egoity. The credibility (or root-persuasiveness) of conventional (or merely exoteric) God-religion has been deeply threatened (and, effectively, even mostly destroyed) by the progressively developing culture of modern secular science (which, although it is promoted as a species of free enquiry, is merely a modern variation on the ancient false philosophy of materialism). This is a curious fact, because both modern secular science (or scientific materialism) and conventional (or merely exoteric) God-religion are based upon the same fundamentals. There are two fundamentals upon which both scientific materialism and conventional God-religion are based. These two fundamentals are the idea of egoity (or the naive experiential presumption of an utterly independent, utterly personal, utterly separate, and utterly subjective, psycho-physical "point of view") and the idea of "objective reality" (or the naive experiential presumption of an egoically psycho-physically observed - and thereby presumed to be utterly independent, utterly impersonal, utterly separate, and utterly non-subjective, or utterly objective - world of conditionally perceived and conceived conditions). And these two fundamental ideas (or naive experiential presumptions) are, also, the principal constructs (or generally uninspected conventions) of the human mind. The two fundamental human ideas (of ego-"I" and "objective reality") are a natural pair - conceived, in accordance with convention, to be always and irreducibly the polar opposites of one another (always utterly different from one another, and always standing over against one another), and to be of such a nature that one or the other may (in any moment, or in the context of one or another human activity, or in the context of one or another historical mode of human culture) be assumed to be the dominant (or even more "real") half of the pair. And, because both scientific materialism and conventional God-religion are based upon these two fundamental human ideas (of ego-"I" and "objective reality"), scientific materialism and conventional God-religion differ only with respect to their interpretation (or interpretive idea) of what is egoically and "objectively" observed. Thus, scientific materialism interprets "objective reality" to "be" merely "what" it (from the "point of view" of the human observer) "appears" to be (and, thus, to suggest, or point to, "itself" only). And conventional God-religion interprets "objective reality" to "mean" (or, otherwise, to suggest, or point to) "God" (As objective "Other"). But neither scientific materialism nor conventional God-religion critically "considers" - and, as a pre-condition for (or, otherwise, as a result of) either scientific or religious discourse, transcends - the two naive experiential presumptions (of ego-"I" itself, and "objective reality" itself) that are the basis for the characteristic interpretation otherwise presumed to be the case (either scientifically or religiously). As a result of their separate (and different, and inherently conflicting, or mutually opposite) interpretations of "objective reality," scientific materialism and conventional God-religion are, traditionally, engaged in a (mostly verbal, and, yet, deep cultural, social, and political) wa with one another. That war is mostly one of argumentation and propaganda, in which each, in turn, proposes and addresses the other as a mere "straw man" (in order to make mere argumentation and propaganda appear to be inherently and dramatically convincing to the crowd of fascinated human onlookers). And, in the course of several hundred years of this popular struggle to capture the mind (and even the entire cultural, social, and political circumstance) of Man for either scientific materialism or conventional God-religion, scientific materialism has, of late, convincingly achieved the status of the dormant cultural, social, and political world-entity (or world-cult), while conventional God-religion has fallen from its previous status (as the culturally, socially, and politically dominant half of the pair) to become the (everywhere) relatively subordinate (or defensive) cultural, social, and political entity (or universal sub-cult). Previous |