In any case - and regardless of how the balance may alternate in the future course of this popular (and rather absurd) struggle of mere interpretations - the entire drama of "science versus religion" is a mere play of conventionally "objectified" opposites, animated within a human (and merely exoteric, and egoic) mummery that (logically) can never reduce the "two" to "one" (just as the two primary conventions - of ego-"I" and "objective reality" - cannot, as such, be, logically, reduced from "two" to "one"). Therefore, the only traditionally presumed possibility is that either "science" or "religion" must win (as if either ego-"I" or "objective reality" must be declared, or, otherwise, proved, to be the one "reality," to the exclusion of the other half of the conventional pair). Some people argue for belief in conventional God-religion, based on an exoteric religious interpretation of the concepts (or existing interpretations of "objective reality") otherwise associated with scientific materialism. Other people argue against belief in conventional God-religion, based on the technique of simple affirmation of the concepts (or existing interpretations of "objective reality") associated with scientific materialism - and, thus, without adding any other (especially, exoteric religious) interpretations. However, the entire conflict (between scientific materialism and conventional God-religion) is a rather mechanical (or pre-patterned, and predictable) exercise of the dualistic (or inherently self-divided and pair-patterned) ego-mind. Indeed, this apparent conflict is mere cultural, social, and political "show business" - an absurd mummery of self-important players, whose argumentative flourishes merely distract the mind of Man from the truly great "consideration" of Reality, Truth, and Real God. Reality does not think. The naturally (and conditionally) existing world does not think. Naturally (and conditionally) existing beings do not think - unless they are, by reactive self-contraction, self-stimulated (or egoically self-bound) to think (and, thus, to "objectify" what, by the mind of separate and separative ego-"I," is defined as "not-self"). Reality Is What Is - rather than what is thought to be. Reality merely (and Always Already) Is - before time, and space, and thinker, and thought, and knower and known, and subject, and object, and ego-"I," and "other" are (by means of - necessarily, time-consuming - conceptual and perceptual acts of "point of view," or body-mind) separated and specified (in mentally and bodily "objectified" space and time). That is to say, Reality Always Already Is - before mind and body act or react in relation to what appears to be. Therefore, if any thought (itself) or perception (itself) occupies attention, Reality has (necessarily) already been ignored (and is, in that moment, being ignored). And, therefore, Truth (Which - necessarily, and inherently - is Identical to Reality, Itself) Is That Perfectly Subjective (or Perfectly non-objective) Self-Condition (or inherent Real Condition) That Is the Case (Always and Already), and That is (necessarily, and inherently) non-conditional, and (necessarily, and inherently) egoless (or Most Perfectly without limited, or conditional, "point-of-view"). And, therefore, Real God (Which - necessarily, and inherently - Is Reality and Truth) is (necessarily, and inherently) egoless, non-conditional, and non-objective - or Perfectly Subjective, non-"different," and Beyond (or Most Prior to) all thought and, thus, all separateness, all otherness, and all conditional relatedness). The arguments of both scientific materialism and conventional God-religion are mind-based, body-based, and (most basically) ego-based. All such arguments are mere conventions of the mind, inherently associated with a space-time-bound "point of view" - which is to say that they are inherently space-time-defined, inherently dualistic and inherently separate (or separated, and separative). Therefore, all such arguments are inherently and actively, and strategically) separate from (and separative in relation to) Reality, Truth, and Real God. Indeed, all such arguments are inherently "Narcissistic" (or egoically self-bound). Therefore, the separate (or space-time-bound). Therefore, the separate (or space-time-bound) "point of view" (which "point of view" is the ego-"I") always either argues that "objective reality" is merely as it appears (which is the interpretation embraced by scientific materialism) or as it may otherwise be presumed to mean (which is the interpretation embraced by conventional God-religion). However, in either case, Reality (and, therefore, Truth, and Real God) is not Realized - but Reality (and, therefore, Truth, and Real God) is merely interpreted (or mentally - and, thus, conventionally and dualistically - conceived, and reduced to the scale of "point of view," and to the status of "objectified otherness"). Previous |