Reality Itself (Which Is Truth, and the only Real God) is (necessarily, and inherently) All-and-all-inclusive and, therefore, One and non-dual. Therefore, Reality (Itself) inherently Transcends any and every space-time "point of view" (and the totality, or All, of space-time itself). And, thus, Reality (Itself) inherently Transcends any and every ego-"I," or body-mind-self - and every dualistic convention of "object," "other," or "thing." Truth (or Real God) Is, simply, the inherent (and inherently egoless) Nature (or unqualified Condition) of Reality Itself. Reality (Itself) Is the unqualified Condition of all conditions (or apparent qualifications, or limitations) of Reality. Therefore, Reality (Itself) Is the unqualified (or Most Prior) Condition of any and every apparent individual (or apparent thing, or apparent condition). Indeed, Reality (Itself) Is the unqualified (or Most Prior), and, thus, Perfectly non-objective, or Perfectly non-objectified (and, thus, Perfectly Subjective, or Merely-Being) Condition of all apparent space-time conditions. Reality (Itself) Is (necessarily, and inherently) the unqualified (or Most Prior) Condition of any and every ego-"I." Therefore, Reality (Itself) is Realized only in the case of the inherent (and inherently Most Perfect) transcending of the ego-"I" (or the conditional, separate, and actively separative, self-position itself). Reality (Itself) is Realizable only As the unqualified Self-condition of the individual ego-"I" - Prior to the ego-act (or separative act) of dissociation from Reality, Truth, and Real God. Reality (Itself) is Most Prior to the act of self-contraction into the space-time "point of view". Therefore, Reality (Itself) is Realizable only by transcending mind (and the egoic - or self-contracting, and separative, and presumed-to-be-separate - "point of view" of body-mind). And, therefore, Reality (Itself) is Realizable only by transcending the total psycho-physical act that "objectifies" conditionally apparent reality. Reality Itself (or Truth, or Real God) is Realizable only by transcending the ego-effort of interpretation (or of conventional "knowing") - or all of the ego-based mind, itself. That is to say, Reality, Truth, and Real God is Realizable only by transcending the two fundamental operative ideas (and, thus, the fundamental common fault) associated with both scientific materialism and conventional God-religion. And, by transcending the two fundamental operative ideas (at their common root - which is egoity, or self-contraction, itself), even the entire process of discursive mental activity is transcended - such that Reality, Truth, and Real God may he Found (and, by Grace of True Divine Self-Revelation, Realized) As the Obvious. True religion and true science are a Great, and single, and necessarily esoteric (or ego-transcending, rather than ego-active) Process. True religion and true science - Combined in a true, and truly single, and rightly esoteric (or non-conventional, and Always Already Reality-Based, Truth-Based, and Real-God-Based) Wisdom-Way - are the ego-transcending Great Process that directly transcends all exercises of interpretation (or of conventional "knowing," or of discursive mind). Only the esoteric Great Process of Realizing (and, on That Basis, Demonstrating) Reality Itself (Which Is Truth, and Which Is Real God) by directly (and, in due course, Most Perfectly) transcending the psycho-physical (and space-time) "point of view" is both true religion and true science. If Real Happiness and Real Freedom are to be Realized (and, on That Basis, Demonstrated) in human-time, the esoteric Great Process must be engaged by the individual human being - but That Great Process is not an exclusively human capability. Rather, It is a capability in Reality Itself - and, therefore, Its fundamental exercise must (necessarily) be one that can be enacted by all non-human beings as well as by all human beings. Thus, the esoteric Great Process (of Realizing Reality, Truth, or Real God) is a responsive exercise of the universally evident principal faculties that are common to all naturally (and conditionally) existing beings. And, in order to Realize Reality, Truth, or Real God, that responsive exercise must (necessarily, and inherently) transcend the limiting force (or ego-binding implication) of the faculties themselves - by virtue of the tacit recognition (of Reality, Truth, or Real God) that must be the basis of the response (itself). Previous |